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"I forgot. I shouldn't be here then too, because I'm not your girlfriend." You say. You turn back to the door to step through it and leave the place.

"Y-yahh, wait! Stop!!"

"Why!? I have nothing to say to you and you clearly accepted it all just now!" You say as you look at the man still against his desk.

"I didn't mean it th-"

"Still trying to fight against the rules? You should obey, Yoongi. You're a freaking icon. THIS is the last freaking time you see me!" You interrupt him and rush to the door that leads to the hallway. You stretch your arm to grab the door and open it enough so you can leave, but it slams closed in a second. The bang makes you jump a bit and your whole body turns 180° by Yoongi. He pushes you against the door and looks deep in your eyes.

"You won't leave this time. I let you escape once already and I won't obey anymore at all if it's about you. You are mine and mine only."

"Shut up! Let me go!!"

"No! You listen to me!"

"I won't! Let me-"

"You won't listen!? Then I'll just show you." Yoongi interrupts and his face closes the gap between both of you. His lips move hungrily against yours and you push him away. You succeed, but he kisses you again in a second. You push again, but he made it impossible to make it happen. You hit him multiple times on his shoulder and nothing changes. You turn your head away and yell immediately.


"Stop yelling. They don't dare to mess with me." Yoongi says after grabbing your face with one hand and turning it back to him. You can't say anything anymore thanks to his cold fingers holding your cheeks. A moment of silence passes and Yoongi's angry face suddenly disappears. He lowers his head as he chuckles.

"You're so cute like this. I should take a picture, but my phone is on my bed."


Don't smile, Y/n. Now's not the time to laugh.

Yoongi looks back at you, sighing after a few seconds of silence. His hand releases your face and he embraces you. He lays his forehead on your shoulder, but you don't move a millimeter.

"I really love you. This month was so hard for me and I just got to love you more in that time. Please..Just give us one more chance.."


"We c-"

"I'll make it possible! I really don't want you to love someone else. I can't stand it to even imagine it. You are my girl, my woman, my love and my second half. Unlock that chest in your heart and love me again."

"Stop it, Yoongi. This is useless..You're hoping too much."

"I'm not. I'm sure this will be accepted. Trust me, Y/n. I only need you to trust me and support me to let everyone accept it."


"Please.." Yoongi speaks again as his grip on you tightens like crazy. Your heart can't handle it anymore so you sigh and drop your head on his.

"What about the distance? Sasaengs?"

"Just stay here until everything's okay. We have to catch up the time we were apart too."

"We can't catch that time up. It already happened."

"I missed you.."


Yoongi's head straightens and he looks worried at you.

"What happened? You met someone else!? You don-" You stop the boy from talking as your lips connect with his. Yoongi's arms hug you tighter as he kisses you back after a few seconds.

Fantasy Love - Rewritten - M.Y.G. x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt