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Jimin's POV:

I arrive back at the dorm late in the evening and Namjoon is the first person to see and greet me. He signs me to come to him and I obey.

"Someone wants to speak with you."

"Me? Who?"

"Follow me." He smiles and turns to the staircase, walking upstairs again. I follow him and we reach Jungkook's room.

Oh..I think I get it now.

Namjoon knocks quickly before walking inside and I try to stop Namjoon in case they're making out, but he's already inside.

"Kooks, Tae. Jimin is back."

"He is?! Oh, I'm so not ready! What should I say?"

"He's at the door actually. He can hear you."

"Hyung!" Jungkook stands up as I walk in. I smile awkwardly.

"I'm-we're sorry..I didn't mean to scare you away.."

"I was rude too. Sorry about that.." Taehyung, who stands next to Jungkook, says and I nod slowly.

"I'm..Fine. I shouldn't have barged into your room without knocking in the first place."

"They shouldn't have reacted to you like that though." Namjoon says and the two boys nod with a low 'yeah'.

"So, Jimin. We talked about them being together after you disappeared and agreed on their relationship. I hop-"

"I-I'm fine with it..I was just shocked."


"It's nothing." I answer Jungkook who apologized once again.

"Want a hug?" I ask the sulky boy and he looks up surprised, showing a smile the second after as he runs into my arms.

"There you go. The maknae line is back together!"

"Who said we fell apart?" I ask Namjoon and the man scoffs at me.

"Well you were avoiding the boys as much as possible and it was pretty obvious."

"That was me processing the scene in my head." Jungkook ends the hug as I speak.

"Seems logical."

"How about going out together again? I miss us all being together." Taehyung says and I nod at his idea.

"Sure. I'll ask the others."

"Ah, but Yoongi hyung isn't back yet.." Jungkook says.

"Does anyone know when he's coming back?" I ask and the three of them just shrug.

"We can't contact him too now. He should be on the plane now."


Y/n's POV:

You wake up again and look beside you. Yoongi's sleeping silently with his blanket covering his whole body. You smile from the view and go to the toilet.

Once you walk back to your seat, you notice where exactly you are in the air.

We're almost landing.

You sit back in your chair again and see that it's almost three in the afternoon. A stewardess walks your way and you ask her when the plane will arrive in Brussels.

"In forty minutes will the plane land."

"Ah, okay. Thank you."

"No problem. Is there anything else you need?"

Fantasy Love - Rewritten - M.Y.G. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now