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Yoongi's POV:

Time flies extremely fast and we almost go on all the rides and do the activities. A lot of people go home now and we decide to go on the ferris wheel to see the sunset.

"Are you afraid of hights?" I ask Y/n and she looks at me.

"Nope, you?"

"A bit, but I'm not scared when it's so low."

"Aah, so that's why you where always asking if I was sure to ride that huge thing there! You sure were scared there, lol!"

"I usually stay with my feet on the ground or in my bed. Amusement parks are not really my thing, but I wanted to go to one with you." I answer and her cheeks turn a bit pink.

"Thank you for today, Yoongi." She says after a few seconds.

"The day is still not over."

"W-what?? There is more!??" I chuckle and don't answer.

Y/n's POV:

You both enter the little cabin of the ferris wheel and sit in front of each other.

"What do you mean there's more? Everything is starting to close!" He doesn't answer and just smiles while looking at you.

Somebody just hit him for me please, he's too precious for me to hit him..

You ignore it and just look at the sunset while you're going up.

"It's a pretty nice view actually." Yoongi suddenly says and you nod.

"Belgium may look dirty when you're outside in the cities, but it's quite nice when you look at it from the sky."

"You might seem like a normal person on the outside, but you're a strong and cheerful girl who is very thoughtful and takes care for everyone on the inside." Your heart skips a beat when you listen to him. You really didn't expect that right now..

You smile at him and answer.

"I didn't know that you have such a sweet side? You're being super sweet today."

"Now you know." He suddely stands up and the whole cabin starts swinging.

"Y-yoongi!!" You yell while swinging along with the cabine. He loses his balance and falls in your direction. You close your eyes and defend yourself from a hard bang, but nothing happens.

You slowly open your eyes again and two other eyes lock with yours. Both his arms are next to your body, holding onto the cabin.

"S-sorry, haha.." He moves his arms away and slowly sits next to you.

[A/n: Who expected it would turn out a bit different? >v<]

"It's nothing." You answer while smiling at him.

"I can hold your hand now though." He chuckles and you laugh.

"That's why you made this thing swing around like we're in a tsunami?"

"It wasn't that hard!"

"You lost your balance and almost hurted yourself."

"Okay, you beat me this time."

"Kekeke, I win!" You stick your tongue out at him and he scoffs at you. He tickles you and your whole body moves around.

"Ahah no! Yoongi stop it ahaha!"

He stops and hugs you instead. His perfume catches your attention and calms you down from all that laughing.

"We're almost at the top."

Fantasy Love - Rewritten - M.Y.G. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now