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Yoongi's POV

"Well, despite what happened at he start of this live, I still enjoyed talking with my fans. Don't worry about the discussion, she's been under a lot of stress lately. Have a nice day or evening and stay healthy. Bye!" I say my goodbye and end the live. It's been almost two hours since I started the it. I ate the Chinese food, but Y/n hasn't come back yet and her plate is just untouched here. I look at the time and it's starting to get late, so I decide to text her.

Are you on your way home?

The next thing I do is clean up the table. I put Y/n's plate in the fridge along with the rest of the food and wipe the table. After finishing I already have a hunch Y/n didn't reply before checking my phone. My hunch was right..

Where are you so late?

The light inside my head goes on as the playground nearby pops in my mind and I grab my jacket before leaving her place. I run to the playground and catch my breath before checking the place.

She isn't on any swing here.

"Argh, don't make me worry about you Y/n." I say out loud and sigh, walking to the swing I always sit on. I take a seat and look around, hoping that she'd come here.

Ten minutes become 20 and eventually even 30. After all that waiting she hasn't even read my text. Since I don't have the password to her apartment, I just go to the night shop and buy a hot drink. Just beside the door of the shop I take a sip of it, warming my hands with it too.

Where the hell is she that makes her leave for so long? It's cold and she wasn't dressed that well for such a temperature.

As I think of where she could be, a car passes. They're just random strangers in it, but the car brand is exactly the same of someone I know.

"How could I not have thought about that!" I say to myself as I quickly grab my phone out of my pocket, texting Namjoon to ask for Sema's number. He gives it, but only after asking why. Even though I tried to avoid his question, Namjoon already knew it wasn't going all too well between me and Y/n.

Just make sure you leave on a good note. I don't want you to come back in a worse state than you left. You know we're about to get busy these upcoming months.

Yes, I know. Don't worry, I'll be okay even if we'd part on a bad note. We can still talk and make up through texting if we have to.

Well, let's hope you don't have to do that.

I won't leave without making it up with her.

Yahh, you can't leave later! You only have tonight!

And that's the only night I need. ;)

You talk as if you're gonna go to bed with her..Yikes..

I'm not gonna do that! I bet she wouldn't even let me kiss her goodnight!

Anyways, it's late and I'm freezing here. Don't spread to the hyungs that I'm having trouble with her.

Oh they already know thanks to Jin-hyung. :P

Really? Damn, his age doesn't make up for his gossiping ass. Anyways, bye.

Good luck. :/

I scoff at the emoji he sent. He's basically telling me it'll be hard to leave her on a good note. I put Sema's number in my contact list with a sigh and immediately call her afterwards. It calls, but the longer it rings, the less hope I have of Y/n being there.

Finally she picks up and speaks confused.

"Hello? Sema speaking?"

"God thanks that you picked up! It's Yoongi. Is Y/n with you?"

"Why? Isn't she answering your calls?" She answers with a question and I stare at my hot drink.

"Well, she doesn't read my text so answering my call will be even less possible. We had another discussion and she's been gone for a long time."

"Another? How many discussions did you have with her that she just doesn't show any sign of life after leaving?"

"I don't know anymore. I came here to surprise her, which turned out to be a horrible plan and then we had fights about her immigrating to Korea a couple of times. We just had another one and live on top of that."

"Live? You mean VLive live!? You two have lost your minds!" Sema's voice rises and I close my eyes, putting my phone away from my ear until she's done.

"She hasn't, I have. I started it, like usual."

"Oh god, like usual!? Damn, you're an idiot!" She sighs and my eyebrows rise.

"Excuse me? You're still talking to your idol of your favorite band here."

"Oh, don't talk like that! You deserve it! She even left and didn't come to me!"

"..Okay, I'll let you go this time." I say as I nod. I take another sip of my drink that's already getting colder.

"How long is she gone?" Sema asks and I check the clock of the night shop.

"Two hours and a half..She hasn't even texted you?"

"As if I wouldn't have said that by now. Okay, have you checked any places you've been to with her?"

"The little playground nearby her place and now I'm at the night shop. She hasn't been anywhere else with me here." I answer as I look around. A couple walks past me on the other side of the street, walking with their hands connected.

"There's a café a few streets away. I'll text you the address. Call me again if you don't find her there either."

"Thanks. If she comes to you, please talk to her about the situation first. I think she needs you to talk about us since she has nobody else."

"Will do that. Now go, I'll hang up now." She agrees and I say bye before ending the call. A few moments later the address is sent and I hurry on my way there. Like I expected, she's not there either. I stay inside and take a seat at the bar, asking for a beer. As I wait for my drink I send Sema a text to say she's not in here either.

She answers back, but it makes me sigh.

Just stop looking at this point. She could be anywhere after that long. I'll try to get in contact with her.

My glass is put in front of me and I thank the bartender as I text Y/n again.

You can come back home after visiting Sema. I'll stay at a hotel since I don't know the password of your place.



Wanna end the chapter here. Feels like a good ending.

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