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"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you o-" You try to check his face, but he puts his hand in front of him, stopping you from doing anything. He has his face pointed at the ground with his eyes closed.

"Yoongi, I'm so sorry! I really didn't mean to hurt you! I-I just got overwhelmed and I-"

"It's okay, Y/n. I made a mistake. I thought wrong about your feelings for me and now I know it." He looks back at you with a smile. You just know it's forced. It's not the same as his genuine smile and you feel a knife stabbing your heart.

"It was m-my first!" You say as you close your eyes.



"My first kiss..It was my first. It's the first time actually being close with a guy..You do all these things I'm not used to and make me blush all the time! You're making me crazy! I just can't get you out of my head anymore!"

"You're serious about never being close with a guy?"

"Y-yes..Gosh, this is so weird..I'm damn twenty-three years old."

Your phone suddenly buzzes and the both of you look at your phone. You ask it back.

"Your phone? Nope."

"Come on, why!?" You whine and he looks back at you. You feel his eyes on you and look at him too.

"Because I don't want to." He laughs and you roll your eyes.

"Tell me on of your wishes and I'll do it if you give me my phone back. Deal?"

"You sure about that?"

"You won the challenge. I can't say no to your wishes." You answer him and he starts to smirk.


"Date me."


Your cheeks heat up and your heart beats faster in a few seconds while your eyes go wide.

"O-okay! I'm fine with t-that! It's not like we're going t-to kiss anyways, hahah...Right?!"

"Maybe, maybe not." Yoongi's smirk remains on his face as he grabs your phone without breaking the eye contact.

"We're starting right now."


You slowly take your phone from him and look at what made your phone buzz.


You only love him like a fan? :P

He's just my bias, of course! Look, it doesn't matter if I like him or not because we can't even be together. It's not allowed and he needs to focus on his music and his band. I'd only bother him.

So you like him. xD


Then why did you kick me out then? UwU

You were taking my time with him away! He's my bias! You would do that too if I'd interrupt you with talking to your favorite actor there!


You obviously love him. You can't even hide it through messaging. You can't lie at all and you know that! I'm your sister and I know you inside out.

Jeez, it's the first time that I'm actually close with a guy! Cut me some slack!

Okay, okay! I'll leave you alone now. Have fun with your boy. ;P

Fantasy Love - Rewritten - M.Y.G. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now