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Y/n's POV:

It's the day after the discussion with Mr. Bang and both of you decided to eat out one last time in the evening. Yoongi said he already has a plan and that you shouldn't worry about it anymore. You shrugged it of then and now..

You're sitting in the couch.

On your phone..


A sudden door opening and closing is heard upstairs and then Yoongi's typical steps in his slippers.

"Y/n, guess what!"

"W-what!? Are all armys approving of us!??" You turn around a bit surprised by Yoongi's extremely energetic, happy aura. He chuckles a bit while shaking his head, walking down the stairs to you.

"There seems to be some shit going on back in Belgium. Almost all my hyungs are texting me privately and I can't keep up with all the messages." He laughs as he drops himself next to you, showing his phone to you.

"Here. Hoseok-hyung is mentally scarred. Jimin wants to disappear or at least turn back time to just before we left the dorm and Namjoon is just having a disaster in his head."

"Damn..Something must've scarred them all or something. What could've happened?"

"Seems like it happened in the dorm and it's about a few hyungs. I'm not sure who though because they just want to forget it, but they still want to spill it to someone somehow."

"You're gonna have a lot of information to take in when you enter that house. Prepare yourself to get attacked by at least those three boys or even more of them."

"Ah, no! Let me crash at your place, I don't want to be bothered all day!" He whines and you laugh at him, pushing him away from hugging you.

"No way. My house is not a crashing place!"

"But I'm your boyfriend! You don't want me to suffer, right?" He pouts and you roll your eyes.

"They're your hyungs, you can handle them. Also, they're not kids..They can understand if you want to rest after coming back."

"Urghh, okay. I won't crash at your place.."

"Good boy. You'll get a kiss as your treat."

"Oh, I'd love that." He smirks and you hastily peck him for like two seconds. He speaks again afterwards.

"But why do I feel like I'm a dog?"

"Ahahah, a dog!? Honey, you're a cat. There's no way you'd be a dog."

"Are we talking about which animal I look like now?"

"You started it." You laugh and he scoffs, sitting up again. A buzz happens in your pocket and you check your phone.

"Jimin? Why is he texting me all of a sudden?"

"Is that man bothering you?" Yoongi asks with a low voice and you chuckle, answering with a 'No'.



"Huh!? Did he assault you??"

"No, silly! He didn't do anything to me."

"Then what is he apologising for?" He asks confused and you just shrug.

"Ohh..H-he...He had a drunk one night stand.."

"THAT IDIOT!! HE'S GONNA LOSE HIS JOB!" Yoongi panics as sits up in the couch.

"No, he won't. Sema is a good secret keeper."


"Sema? Y-you mean your friend, Sema?" Yoongi asks as his hands are clutched onto his head. You nod and he just stares confused at you.

Fantasy Love - Rewritten - M.Y.G. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now