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"Hey, I should go back home. It's already past four and I have to prepare dinner.."

"You can go without me. I'm gonna get something from Starbucks and check out what's new in my favorite shop."

"Okay, have fun." Sema smiles and hugs you before walking off. You go the other way to the Startbucks. Once you arrive, you wait till you can order and wait again for your name to be shouted to get it. You check your Instagram in the meantime.

"Y/n! Iced Americano for Y/n!"

Ah, that's mine!

You put your phone in your pocket while walking to your coffee. Right in front of you, it gets taken by someone else.

"Eh? Excuse me, that's.."

"Yes?" The person answers and you freeze.

"I-..T-that's my coffee.." You stare at him in shock and he frowns. He looks at the bottle again and turns the name on the bottle to you.

"I guess you misheard it? It clearly says Yoongi.."


It's not a dream? Tell me I'm dreaming..

"Miss? Are you alright?"

"Hmm? Ah, yes! Ahah, sorry for disturbing you! H-have a nice day!" You quickly say and bow. You realise what you're doing and your eyes go wide as you curse at yourself in your head.

Ahh, what the hell am I doing!!

You quickly stand straight and he looks at you with a teeny curve at the corner of his mouth. You feel yourself turning red all over your face. You look at his hair to not get any redder and notice something.

"That hair.."

"Eh? My hair? Is something in my hair?" He asks and feels through his hair with his free hand. You get that one moment from yesterday evening in your head again. It was the same hairstyle. You check the height and you gasp.

"It really was you!"

"I-I'm not following!?" He looks confused at you.

"Ah, W-weren't you in a restaurant yesterday? With the others?"

Shit..I exposed myself without thinking..

He looks at you as he probably thinks of something.

"The others? Are you a Kpop fan?"

"Uhm, N-no? I think you passed me at the women's restroom in a restaurant yesterday?"

"I went to a restaurant.." He scans you and you gulp as you watch him doing it.

"You're lying. You're a stalker, aren't you?"

"A s-stalker!? I would never stalk someone, let alone my favorite group!"


You close your eyes while biting your lip as you realise that you exposed yourself for real now.

"Leave before I call my manager to bring you to the police."

"Wait a second..You really think I'm a stalker!? I didn't even know you were here!"

"As if a fan doesn't immediately open an update from her favorite group."

"You think I use my phone for twenty-four hours seven days long?"

Ah, why the hell am I so rude to him!? he's just being cautious..

"Uh..Sorry, I was rude just now.." You apologize and look away.

Fantasy Love - Rewritten - M.Y.G. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now