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Note: Long chapter ahead💜

Y/n's POV:

An irritating noise wakes you up from your sleep and you realise it's your doorbell, so you force yourself out of your comfy bed, strolling to the front door.

"Hell-..Yoongi? " You shoot your eyes open, fully awake now. You actually thought he would just accept what happened and move on, not caring about you anymore. It's not like you're his family or anything. You're not supposed to talk to him in the first place.

"Y/n, please, just hear me out..Just two minutes! Please!" Yoongi basically begs right now and you sigh, leaning against the wall while giving him the sign to speak.

"First of all, I'm sorry. Second, you're not causing me any trouble at all! I just thought that some people may recognize you on the pictures and would burden you the everyday with questions about it. If the fans find out who you are, where you live or work and some of them don't like the fact that a girl is getting close to me or the others, they could come and burden you or may even threaten you to make you scared. I don't want you to go through such things at all..That's why I told you to hide your face a bit and to only look at me. Please Y/n..I told you yesterday that we're friends! You're special to me!"


Your heart skips a beat from his last sentence.

I'm..I'm special to him??

He looks at you in your eyes and your heart breaks because he really looks sad.

He just cared about me, scared of what the fans would do to me thanks to him..Yet I just acted all stupid and emotional..

You lower your head, sighing from disappointment in yourself.

"I'm..I'm so sorry..I just thought like that and didn't give you a decent chance to explain." You say, looking back up at him, but you're too ashamed of yourself to be able to keep looking so you look somewhere else.

I thought of him like that after spending a whole day with him..Laughing and joking around. How stupid can I actually be?

"Can you forgive me?"

"Y/n.." Yoongi pauses and you finally dare to look at him in his eyes.

"I just told you. You're special to me. Of course I forgive you." He smiles, walking up to you and pulling you into his arms. You try to progress what he just did as you just stand there, in his arms while blinking your eyes.

"I-..I'm really sorry.." You say again. The realisation that you thought bad about him just breaks your heart. You never did that before and only loved him more every day. Not just as a fan, but as a girl in love. You've fallen for him years ago as you learnt about him more and more, just because you got so curious about him. He caught your attention the first second you saw him in that one music video..

Once you found out about Agust D, you fell hard for him. His voice, his looks, his attitude, his songs, everything. Just everything.

"It's okay." Yoongi answers softly in your ear, patting the back of your head. You just melt in his scent and warmth, hugging him back as you lean your head against his shoulder. A few silent seconds pass, and the quiet moment suddenly ends thanks to a granny.

"Such lovebirds! Ah, I sure miss that time in my life!" The granny says and as soon as you hear it, you start to blush intensely. Instead of breaking the hug, you hide your face against his body, making Yoongi chuckle.

Just let me hug him a little longer..

"I'm sorry Y/n, but I have to leave again. We have practice planned and I have to warn them that there may be pictures published. I don't know if I'll be able to see you again today, but we can text in the evening?"

Fantasy Love - Rewritten - M.Y.G. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now