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The walk to your home was quite awkward and it was obvious. You dropped your purse on a chair already and look around.


"When was the last time you actually took care of your home?"

"Uhm...I don't know? I'll clean it up here quickly, just act like you always do here."

"Don't tell me you're gonna clean for hours again..I came here to spend time with you, not to watch you clean up your house." Yoongi sighs and you quickly shake your head.

"No, no. I'll just gather all my clothes and garbage and put everything back to where it was."

"Good.." He nods as he looks around. You don't waste any time and start gathering all your clothes all over the house, dropping them in the laundry basket in the bathroom. As you run back to the kitchen to grab a trash bag, you see Yoongi going to your room with his luggage.

"My room's a mess too, I'm so sorry!"

"Now you learned to keep your place clean at all times." He reacts back and you scoff. You run back to your room and gather all the empty cans and fastfood packages. Before you leave again, you tidy your bed and speak again.

"Do you want a spot for your clothes? I'll make some space in my closet for you."

"Sure, that'll be great."

"Okay, give me a minute." You open your closet and make some space.

"Here you go, I'll continue gathering garbage in the living room and the kitchen." You quickly say before you leave Yoongi alone again. After a few minutes he's back in the living room, just when you're done there and walk to the kitchen.

In a few minutes, you're done gathering from there too and throw the trash bag away outside your apartment. You run back inside quickly and do the dishes, walking back to the couch afterwards.

"I'm done. Wasn't that a lot faster?"

"Yeah, but you still haven't cleaned it completely here."

"Argh, please have some mercy on me, Yoongi! I have been working my ass off these past months and barely have time for myself! I'm tired and I still have a bunch to do for my boss!" You whine and Yoongi starts laughing, standing up from the couch. His arms embrace your body and he pulls you into a hug.

"Calm down, I was just kidding. You did great. I suggest you to just sit down and rest with me now. We really have to catch up with each other."

"Thank you." You sigh as you subside in his arms. A few seconds of silence pass as the two of you stay in a hug. Yoongi breaks it and sits down again while you do the same. You drop your head on his shoulder and close your eyes.

"Hey, don't fall asleep now. We have to catch up with each other."

"All I did was work. Sema got a better job and Paul, that boss of mine stopped hitting on me after I confronted him. Nothing else happened.."

"That's..Mostly good. You should've worked a bit less though. No wonder that you always forgot to call or fell asleep whenever I talked on the phone."

"Really, I'm so sorry..I nev-"

"Don't worry, I know you're doing your best to get the money as fast as you can. I hope you're almost done?"

"I still have to save up some more, but honestly, I'm so sick of it. I just want to fly to Korea and start living there with a new job that I actually studied for."

"Nobody's holding you back, sweetie. Also, we agreed that you're gonna move in into the dorm."

"Ahh, that..Does Mr-I mean Pd-Nim know about this? I don't want to barge in just like that. Maybe it's too soon, Yoongi. Our relationship isn't even six months far."

Fantasy Love - Rewritten - M.Y.G. x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang