~Back To My Childhood~

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Y/n's POV

It's already eleven in the evening. After another discussion with Yoongi you left your place with an empty stomach. You strolled around the neighborhood for quite some time until your stomach started to ask for food. You didn't want to go back yet and strayed off pretty far, so you decided to just go back to your nest. Your mom.

It's a long way to go there, but all you wanted was your beloved mom's embrace. Your past motivation, best friend and favorite listener. If there's someone who'd give you advice about love and relationship fights, it's her.

When you unlocked the front door and walked into the living room, you saw your mom in the couch watching tv. Of course she's surprised to see you this late and so suddenly without any heads up.

"Y/n? How come you are here?" She asks as she sits up looking at you in confusion. You sigh and just drop yourself next to her.

"I ran away from my own home."

"Did someone stalk you?"

"Phah, no. Well, you know Yoongi, right? The favorite guy from my favorite band who I'm in a relationship with? You met him a few days ago." You say, looking at her at the end of your sentence. She gives the 'Ahh, relationship problems' reaction.

"You must've had a pretty annoying fight to come all the way here this late. Care to share?" She speaks and you sigh while closing your eyes just for a moment.

"So..You know I've studied their languages and all that stuff to eventually move to South-Korea, right?" You begin with a question and she nods. With that you continue. You explain it all. Even the many discussions you and Yoongi had these past few days.

"First of all, a long distance relationship isn't so easy. Second, The reason why he wants you to move is because you are ready and he loves you, which means he misses you a lot too. His job already takes a lot of time and attention."

"Yes, I know he loves and misses me, but he constantly talks about when I'll move!" You say with a pout.

"I didn't return the love he gave me when we were apart and when he came here as a surprise I was rather stressed and mad about the fact that I have to lie to my boss and all to have some free days and other stuff. With those stupid emigration discussions we just didn't really enjoy being together until yesterday evening. We had an amazing last day of being together, but in the evening we had another discussion and live in front of a few hundred thousand fans." You think back of the fight and facepalm yourself because it was during a live.

"Such things happen, sweetheart."

"I know! It's just that he keeps mentioning it and ruins every single day just because of that damn topic! He doesn't stop!"

"Well, what holds you back from emigrating? From what I know you studied your ass off to have no problems when moving there. You say you have enough money too, so what is it? You always wanted to go there." She asks and you look down at your lap. Your fingers are fidgeting with each other.

"I just want to be extra sure that I don't have any financial problems later."

"You are more than safe when it comes to money. That's not what it is." Your mom says and you look at her. She smiles at you, knowing very well something else holds you back.

"..I...I grew up here. Despite the problems that I had while growing up, this still is my country and my home. I thought I was ready, but when I was sure I could leave I just didn't want to think about leaving my comfortzone and my family."

"You will feel weird in the beginning. Missing usual stuff from here and your family is normal and it'll get better with time. You have Yoongi by your side and Sema too. Your interests aren't being looked down upon and it's daily stuff there. You will fit in there amazingly well. Don't worry about us and live the life you always wanted to live, Y/n. You deserve it."

Fantasy Love - Rewritten - M.Y.G. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now