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"Did I do well? I'm not sure.."

"Come on, how could you not know that? You did great!"

"Are you sure? They seemed very...How do I describe it.."

"They know who you are. They saw me fangirling about you about the weirdest things and heard me rant about you for way too long. They are probably talking about how I could have met you and ended up as your girlfriend now."

"Ahah, should I feel warned?"

"Why?" You ask Yoongi as you two walk to the bus stop nearby.

"They're basically talking behind our backs.."

"In a good way. Keep in mind that it's almost impossible to be the girlfriend of a worldwide superstar and bias. I'm sure they'll talk about how relaxed you looked."

"I'll take that as a compliment, I guess?"

"You must! It's one of your good traits. Anyways, did you like my family despite my brother being judgy like usual?"

"They sure are happy people. There's not a sign of bad relationships between you all and it feels free over there?" Yoongi tries to explain. He's struggling a lot from the looks of it.

"Yeah. We've had our ups and downs, but in the end it all came out well. My mother is someone who gives a lot of freedom. She's very relaxed and nice to be with. Though, there are a few things not to do if you want to stay on her good side."

"Which are?"

"Lying, huge tattoos on visible places, drugs, piercings. That's about it I guess?"

"Just the basics then."

"Those basics are more important to my mom since she gives such an amount of freedom. You're allowed to do your thing and do whatever you want except those things. If you decide to use drugs or lie to her, you're out."

"Well, I'm safe then."

"Good, I hate those things too." You say and he scoffs at you.

"You took over you mom's no go's?"

"I got raised with those rules. I know the consequences of doing those things not only towards my mom, but towards myself too. I don't really like old people too because my grandma was the most difficult person I've known. It sounds bad, but when she left this place, there was a lot more peace. She's caused a lot of problems and drama and living with her made you feel like you were living in prison. She makes you feel bad even though you knew she wasn't right and that you shouldn't feel bad. My mom suffered the most because of her."

"You look like your mom now that I think of it. By looks and by characteristics. You've suffered a lot too, but somehow it didn't bring you down."

"Because I had you guys. I had Sema later too." You answer. Yoongi looks at you with a warm smile, suddenly holding your hand and you look forward again as you decide to rest your head against his shoulder.

"Does your family know about you leaving soon?"

"As long as I don't have a flight booked, I won't say anything."

"I just want to know. Will these few months longer here have a big difference? How much do you save for your departure each month?"

"Around 250 Euros. That's like..325 000 Won."

"And how much more do you need to be sure that you can leave?"

"It's not that I don't have enough, it's just that I want to be sure that I won't get into problems when it comes to money."

Fantasy Love - Rewritten - M.Y.G. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now