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You silently sleep next to Yoongi as his arms are embracing your body. A sudden alarm goes off and you open your eyes. Yoongi's arms around you go away and he stretches his body as he still lays down. He turns on his stomach and grabs his phone on his night stand to turn the alarm off and get out of bed.

You just look at him as he sloppily walks to his closet to choose some random clothes. His butt catches your attention and you chuckle. The man turns his head to the side and looks at you with one eye. His eyebrow is raised as well.


"Nothing." You smile and cover your mouth with the blanket.

"You're basically telling me that you're just chuckling out of nowhere. There's no logic in that."

"Your butt is very nice." You laugh behind the warm blanket as Yoongi scoffs at you while putting his fresh pair of underwear on. His body turns to you and comes closer every second. He goes in bed and blocks you by hovering above you as his hands are next to your head and his knees next to your hips.

"Your body is very nice too. Actually it's perfect." You feel your white cheeks turning hot and a smirk forms on your boyfriend's face.

"Stop playing around, you savage grandpa."

"Why would I play around? I'm telling the truth." He answers as he lowers his head. His face goes next to yours and his lips touch your cheek. He leaves a kiss there and you feel his lips going down to your neck.

"Yahh, you've already 'marked' me enough yesterday."

"And I want to eat you. Your presence makes me happy from head to toe." He says before kissing your shoulder.

"Don't you have to practice?"

"Hmm..Will you go with me?"

"No, I have to earn my money to go and live my life where you came from."

"Just rent a little apartment there. I want you by my side."

"And what about the furniture? You didn't think about that, eh?" You smile at him and he drops himself on you.

"Just stay by my side all day long! I'll be the money earner. I get so much more so there won't be a problem!"

"Ayy, I still want to work in my life, you know."

"I'll make you have no other choice than staying with me."

"How?" You ask as you play with his hair while looking at each other.

"I'll make you my manager. Bts's manager."

"Idiot. That's impossible! I've never practiced or studied such a thing and it's way too much to handle for me."

"Are you sure?" Yoongi asks and you nod.

"I don't see myself in such a position. It seems too stressful and I don't see any fun in that."

"Well, that's a bummer.."

"I'm always going to support you and the other boys to the fullest, Yoongs. I'm still gonna be your girlfriend, but it'll be a bit harder than other relationships."

"I don't think I could live without you for a day. Calls won't help it at all."

"Tch, you're acting like a kid again." You comment and his gummy smile appears. It melts your heart immediately.

"Maybe I'm just a kid that needs his support and love. You are those things for me and my girlfriend on top of it all."

"I support and love you already and we survived without seeing each other for a day easily."

Fantasy Love - Rewritten - M.Y.G. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now