Chapter 42

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Yoongi POV:

I turn my head around to see Jins body going limp, "JIN!!" I try to shake him but he's not responding. FUCK FUCK, I take the nearest exit to the hospital. My eyes widen as I see a pool of blood between Jins leg, I get out and go towards the passenger side to pick him up. I ran across the ER "I NEED HELP!" I yell loudly and I watch as couple nurses come with a stretcher where I lay Jins body down, "H-he w-was fine and t-then just started screaming and c-crying in pain, Please help him" I say as they take him inside the OR. My body slumps down as I feel myself getting exhausted, not physically, just mentally and emotionally. My tears come out as I remember the last thing I said to Jungkook. "I will protect jin and your baby" I cannot disappoint him anymore than I already have. I take my phone out and dial the number of jungkooks security team. "Hello" "Hello! This is Mr. Min, tell me what's happening. Last thing I saw was Jungkook getting s-shot, p-please tell me he's okay" I whisper the last part praying to every god out there to save him. "Oh Mr. Min, our men found Mr. Jeon's body and brought him to the hospital. He's at the Seoul National University Hospital right now, that's all I know so far." I sigh in relief, at least it's not his corpse that they found. "Call me as soon as you get more information, thank you!" I cut the call and walk outside. I need fresh air, my eyes widen as I look at the board on top. I brought jin to Seoul National university hospital as well, shit shit I mumble while running to the nurses station. I watch as the receptionist looks up to me "how can I help you sir?" "My friend, jeon Jungkook, was brought here with a gun shot wound, please help me fine him!" I watch as she types his name. "Yes Mr. Jeon is in the OR room 7" I thank her before walking towards that room. Fate plays such dirty games sometimes, I brought jin to the same hospital his lover is fighting for his life and right across from each other. I walk up to a nurse "can you please tell me how the patient in OR room 7 is doing?" I watch her open the computer while typing something. "I'm sorry sir but he's still in surgery, it's hard to say what will happen" I thank her before sitting in the resting area. I pick up my phone and call the number Jungkook had asked me to call "Hello?" "Hello jimin?" Jungkook told me to take jin there so it's only fair to call Jins friend, he needs someone to be here for him, someone who didn't try to ruin their relationship. "Yes this is jimin, who are you?" "This is yoongi, I can't go into any details but jin is in the hospital would you be able to come?" "WHAT! Send me the address right now" he cuts the call and I send him the address. I just hope everything is okay.

Jimin POV:

I grab my wallet and my keys running towards my car and starting it. I drive as fast as I can to the hospital, what the fuck happened! I just talked to jin hyung yesterday and everything was okay? I don't understand. I pray all my way throughout the drive that nothing happens to jin hyung and the baby. It will break him if something happens to the baby, I don't even know if he'll survive this time. I wipe my tears as I park and run inside the hospital. "For kim seokjin" the receptionist gives me the number and I run there. I see someone sitting down outside the room, "Are you Min Yoongi?" I watch as the man lifts his head and nods. "W-what happened? W-where's Jungkook?" I watch as the man starts sobbing and I kneel down trying to give him some comfort. "J-Jungkook is also in the OR, he got shot" I gasp covering my mouth. "W-what do you m-mean? H-how?" I listen as Yoongi tells me the whole story of how Jungkook and jin got in this situation. I couldn't help but cry for him, just when they were the happiest and finally moving on from their past, this happens! I continue to wipe my tears, I get up as soon as I see one of the Doctors coming out from Jins room. "How is he doing?" I run towards him and yoongi follows right behind me. "He's stable now, he had a minor laceration in the womb but we were able to stop it before it became a big problem. We know that he's still a month away from his delivery so for now both him and the baby are safe. We were going to do an emergency C-section but just at that moment we saw on the sonogram that the blood had stopped bleeding, he's just on bed rest for now. He's still unconscious but feel free to meet him after he's all cleaned up" I sigh in relief and thank the doctor, I see them bringing Jin out of the OR room and he looks so fragile and pale. I hold his hands and walk into his new room where he'd be observed. "The baby is waiting" I turn my head around to see Yoongi leaning towards the door. "The baby wants his father to be here for his birth, Jungkook has to survive" I node while smiling at him. "He will, he's strong and so is their love, I have no doubt" I say caressing jin hyung's belly,  I feel a kick on my palms "I know you agree" I laugh as tears of joy come out.

We wait for what feels like hours before jin hyung opens his eyes, Yoongi had went to check up on Jungkook but he's still in surgery. I watch as jin hyung opens his eyes and groans. "Hey hey take it easy hyung" I help him sit up and I hear him groan. "Are you in pain hyung?" He looks at me while holding his head. "N-no" I give him some water and watch him chug it down. He looks at his belly while caressing it and smiling. I watch as his eyes widen in realization "JUNGKOOK! Jimin you have to help me get out, j-Jungkook needs my help!" I watch as he tries to get up but I stop him. "J-Jungkook is here hyung" I tell him and he just looks me then looks around me "w-where is he?" I swallow my saliva before saying "t-they brought him to the hospital, he's I-injured hyung. He's in surgery right now, Yoongi hyung is with him" I watch as his tears starts falling. "H-he's a-alive" he mumbles while sobbing, "yes he is and he's fighting for you guys. So please you have to stay calm, the doctor said they were gonna do an emergency C-section on you but the bleeding stopped out of no where, don't you think it's a sign? A sign that Jungkook is meant to hold his son first! Have some hope hyung, everything will be okay" I watch as he nods while crying. "I n-never finished m-my p-play list" he says and I look at him in confusion. "W-when the men were in our house, j-Jungkook hid m-me and told me to l-listen to a p-play list he made me, he s-said he'll b-be back before I f-finish it. I n-never finished it. So h-he h-has to come back r-right?" He says while sniffing and I just nod at him smiling. "Y-yes hyung, he will come" just at that time I see Yoongi lean on the door with tears running through his cheeks. "YOONGI! I-Jungkook h-how is he?" Jin hyung asks while holding my hand tightly. Yoongi hyung looks at jin hyung while shaking his head.

"I'm so s-sorry Jin" he sobs

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