Chapter 6

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Jungkook POV:

My legs can't stop bouncing and I try to control myself but it's not working very well obviously. After I closed the restaurant I saw him getting into that sous chefs car. I'm sure he was just giving him a ride? What if they're together or something? Ugh why does it even matter to me. "Can you stop" I hear Yoongi's voice. "Stop what?" I ask him as I get up from the sofa and go to the kitchen. "Stop over analyzing" he says as he follows me to the kitchen. "I'm not over analyzing anything" I lie to him as I put the dishes away. "Jungkook, you may be able to fool everyone but not me. I've known you for way too long. Look maybe they were just hanging out as friends you know?" He says and his words couldn't help me feel a little embarrassed. I'm acting like a high school girl who's crush isn't paying attention to her. "Hyung I honestly don't really care what he's doing okay! He can hangout with whoever he wants to. He can do whatever he wants to. It really doesn't affect me!" I say turning back and look at him. He's staring at me with those narrow eyes trying to read my face but I'm really good at masking my emotions. Plus it's true, he can really do whatever he wants to. Isn't that how he's always been? Doing whatever he wants, no matter how much it'll hurt the other person. "Jungkook besides this, are you planning on firing him?" He asks while taking a bottle of beer out of the fridge. I've thought about firing him and I even wanted to when I first saw him at my restaurant. But I'm not sure anymore if firing him would make me happy. Yesterday I kinda went overboard and tortured him by not letting him cook. I knew he was angry at me, I could see it in his eyes. I hated the way he looked at me. And I hated it more the way he looked at that other guy. That guy is obviously trying to get in Jins pants and by the way he's reacting to him, he might. I couldn't help but feel hurt and sad. "Umm earth to jungkook" I'm brought back from my thoughts, I look at Yoongi hyung before saying "I'm not gonna fire him, but he would wish that I did" I smirk already thinking of ways how I'm gonna destroy his life. Yoongi hyung left an hour ago and I've been sitting in my room trying to think of ways I can hurt jin the way he hurt me. It might seem petty but I'm not gonna forget what he did. I never got to do anything about it so him working at my restaurant sounds like a second chance. This time I'll get my revenge properly. I scroll through my emails and find the email I've been looking for. "Aha found it!" I click on it before typing my reply. I can't wait for Jins reaction after all of this.

It's 7 AM and I'm on my way to the restaurant, my eyes widen when I see jin sitting in front of the restaurant. Is he wearing the same clothes from yesterday? I get out of my car and walk towards him. He's too busy staring at something to realize that I'm standing in front of him. "Do you want me to give you some money to move or what?" I say and he seemed shocked to see me here. But then he narrows his eyes, "I wouldn't want a penny from you" he says before standing up. "That's really funny because last I checked, I'm the one paying you" I smirk and I see his eyes narrowing more if it could be possible. "Trust me if I knew I would be working for you, I would've never applied" he says walking towards the front door. "It's not too soon to quit you know, plus this job isn't for everyone. Only cooks with talent and passion can hold onto this job. Do you think you qualify for it?" I say walking towards him. "Isn't that the reason I was hired?" He says smirking and it was my turn to narrow my eyes. "Why were you sitting in front of my restaurant like a homeless person this early in the morning anyways?" I ask him trying to change the topic. He looked taken back and lowered his head, something I know he does when he feels embarrassed. "Don't tell me your date ditched you" I say walking closer towards him. He looks up at me in shock, "W-what are you talking about?" He stutters and starts walking backwards as I continue to walk towards him. "I saw you getting in Taehyung's car yesterday, I mean I knew you were a flirt and what not but shouldn't you keep your legs closed for your co workers. You can't seriously open your legs for him? Or was it that he rejected you seeing how desperate you were?" I finish saying, I look at jin who's just staring at me with teary eyes. Great now he's gonna cry! "Is that what you think of me?" He asks and I could hear the sadness in his voice or maybe I'm just over analyzing it. "That's exactly what I think of you" I say. His tears finally fell and he chuckles before wiping them, "that's good to know" he says moving past me and walking inside. I take a deep breath before realizing what I just did, no matter how much I hate him, nobody deserves to be insulted like that. Ugh what the fuck was I thinking. The image of him crying comes to my mind and for some reason I hate it, I hate seeing him cry and I hate being the reason behind his tears. I punch the wall, should I go apologize to him? I should but my pride won't let me. Maybe I should just go home for the day, Nah that's what a coward would do! I stop thinking and just walk inside the restaurant. I don't see him in the kitchen so I walk towards the restroom. I can hear him crying and I want to hit myself for making him cry. I wanted to go and calm him down, I wanted to apologize but that's not who I am to him anymore. I'm not the sweet boyfriend he remembered me as, I'm now the asshole boss. With that in mind, I walk away from him.

The rest of the day, Jin and I didn't talk much. I let him take orders and cook them today, I guess I felt bad about earlier even though I wouldn't let him know that. I can tell him and that Tae guy have become a little awkward too. Earlier I asked tae to help jin and jin was so quick to deny the need of any help. Almost like he didn't wanna work with him. I wonder what happened between them? I was walking towards the lockers when I heard some voices. "Jin I'm sorry for over stepping last night, I know it must've been difficult for you" I hear that tae guys voice. So jin did indeed go to him house? And what does he mean he over stepped? "Taehyung it's okay and let's just forget about it" Jin says and I can hear the lie in his voice. He's definitely not okay with whatever Taehyung did. "No it's not okay, I shouldn't have forced you to kiss me and I realize how much of a jerk I was but I really like you and I respect you as my coworker. I don't want us to be awkward with each other and most importantly I still want you. And not just to mess around but to be together. Give me another chance" I could feel my hands curling in a fist! He forced himself on Jin? I'm gonna break his jaw! I can't believe that I accused jin of sleeping around when he was actually the victim here. Now I really do owe him an apology. "Taehyung I respect you as a coworker too but I don't know" Jin says. I see Taehyung take his hands, "why? Was it because of last night? I can assure you I wouldn't even touch you without your permission" he says while holding Jins hands, yeah right! Did you ask him before holding his hands? "It's not that" Jin says and I see him feeling uncomfortable. "Then what is it? Can I at least know the reason?" Wow this guy is really stubborn!

"It's because I love someone else"

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