Chapter 34

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Jungkook POV:

I sigh removing jin from my arms and leaving the room quietly. Jin was fast asleep but I couldn't fall asleep, not when there's someone out there who wants to harm what we have. With jin being pregnant it's like I've become way more overprotective of him since now it's not just him, our baby is also in danger. I don't know what I did wrong in my life for my family to be in this harm, I walk upstairs where I have my own bar cellar- which jin knows about. He can't come upstairs for obvious reasons but I come here once in a while to destress myself with some good old bourbon. I pour myself a glass as I sit down on the recliner couch. I sip on it while thinking, I'm missing something here! How can someone from the outside go inside My Restaurant and then burn it? Does it make sense? How come NO ONE noticed? Plus what the police officer said got me thinking- they said they found traces of methanol in the storage room!!! The storage room is locked with a password on the door, that means somebody must've known the code. Whoever did this must've known the passcode!! Could it be someone from the inside? Who tho?? I trust namjoon hyung with my restaurant completely- never has he made any mistake this big. It can't be Hobi because he was stuck in there, why would he do that to himself? Taehyung was outside but he genuinely looked like he was helping. It's only jin and he would never do that! He was the first one to notice the fire or at least that's what Taehyung told me? No it's not jin! How can I even think about that!! Who else is left!! It's just me! I close my eyes leaning back on the chair. My opens widely as I whisper "Yoongi Hyung" but he wouldn't do this? It's definitely someone from Mr. Lee's gang, somebody must've put someone on the inside to find out the code? But the CCTV showed no one working that day that was unknown. I gulp the last bit of bourbon before heading downstairs. I open the bedroom door quietly and snuggle myself in the blanket. In no time jin comes closer to me feeling the warmth of my body. "You're back" he says in his horse voice. "I-I'm sorry if I was loud" he just lays his head on my chest before shaking his head. "N-no you weren't loud but I can smell the alcohol, enhanced hormones" he whispers before falling back asleep. I mentally hit myself for drinking and then coming back without washing my teeth. I kiss his head before closing my own eyes. My whole world is in my arms right now and I'll die protecting it.

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Jin asks as I work on my laptop in bed. "I'm not sure baby" I  reply back without looking at him. I have an important file to read regarding work and have to give my input by tonight so I'm in a hurry. I've been too distracted that I forgot about this until my secretary messaged me this morning reminding me. "Jungkook, you're not paying attention to me" I just hum while continuing to type on my laptop. "Jungkook I'm asking you something" Jin says a little louder this time while closing my laptop. My eyes widen at what he just did "JIN WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" I yell opening the laptop. "FUCK I DIDNT EVEN SAVE IT" I yell again while getting off the bed without realizing that jin was standing in front of me, I knock him out slightly by mistake and watch as he lands on his butt. "Ow" he yelps scratching his elbow. "Shit shit I'm so sorry baby, I d-" I watch as he starts crying looking at me. "Please don't cry baby, I'm really really sorry. Here let m-" "I got it" he says before standing up and leaving the room. FUCK I grab my hair in frustration! I run after him and catch his wrist "Hey I'm sorry baby" I wipe his tears as he looks at me saying "you told me you wouldn't h-hurt me!" I close my eyes before saying "I didn't mean for you to get hurt. I've been just so stressed because of work and then you were disturbing me while I was working and then you closed my laptop which I had spent hours working on my PowerPoint without saving it. I'm sorry I yelled at you, and I really really apologize for hurting you baby" I try to touch his face but he moves away from me. "So I'm a disturbance now?" I open my mouth to defend myself but he raises his hand to stop me. "DONT" "jin-" "don't even try to justify what you just said" I watch as looks at me before walking away from me and into the room. I hear the click of the room meaning that he locked it. I slump down on the couch in frustration!! I didn't mean any harm to him! I was just stressed and got riled up in my emotions. After good 10 minutes I hear the click of the room and I stand up immediately seeing Jin with a bag in his hand. "Woah woah, doctor said not to lift heavy things!!!" I say taking the bag off his hand. "Where are you going?" I ask him and he just glares at me while saying "Not me, you're leaving" my eyes widen as I stare at him. "Baby what do you mean I'm leaving?" I walk towards him but he just backs away. "Well I would've left but I can't you know because of this" he says pointing at his belly. "Baby we can sort th-" "we have already, you're gonna leave so I won't be a disturbance to you anymore" I just look at him waiting for him to just burst in laughter and say he's joking but his face shows nothing but seriousness. "Come on baby, it was just a silly mistake plus you're not safe alone. Remember what happened! I can't leave you alone. What if someone hurts you huh?"

"Do you count as someone because I was on the floor bc of you!" Ouch

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