Chapter 31

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Jim POV:

I smile looking at Jungkook playing with our son. We're at the beach enjoying the summer sun and having picnic. Our son- Jeon Yoon was almost a year old. He's a very chubby baby, I laugh as I watch him waddle towards me with Jungkook right behind me. "Aigo yoonie did you have fun with your dada" I saying picking him up and he lays his head down on my chest. I smile looking up at Jungkook who bends down and gives me a peck. "I think our son needs to go on a diet" Jungkook says poking yoonie's belly as he giggles which makes me cuddle him even more. "Shut up, my yoonie is perfect. Aren't you my baby" I say kissing his chubby cheeks and he just continues to giggle which makes both Jungkook and I laugh. I whimper as a I hear thunder, I look up to see dark clouds covering the sky. "Jungkook I think we should le-" I turn around to see jungkooks no where near me. "Jungkook!" I yell. "Yoonie where's your da-" I look down at my empty hands. "YOONIE" I scream looking around. I start crying as I get colder and colder, where are they? "Jungkook please stop playing!!! Yoonie come back to appa please!!! Appa misses you!!" I yell running around looking for them. Another thunder makes me fall down and curl into my body. "Please don't leave me" I whimper again and another thunderstorm- this time much louder makes me scream "JUNGKOOK" I open my eyes feeling my chest pounding, it feels like my heart is about to jump out of my body. My eyes adjust to the light and I look around to find my myself in a hospital bed? I watch as the door opens and Jungkook comes in sight. I wanted to say something but my throat feels so dry. I watch as he kisses my forehead before yelling for the nurse. I try to sit up "take it easy my love, take it easy" he says helping me sit up. I signal him towards the water and he gives me a glass- I gulp it down. "How are you feeling?" He asks holding my hand. "I feel okay, why did you just leave me alone!" I yell at him and he seemed to be confused but the nurse walks in and starts taking my vitals and doing my assessment. "Are you in any pain Mr. Kim?" She asks me and I shake my head. I look towards Jungkook and then behind him "Jungkook where did you leave yoonie?" I ask him and he looks more confused. "Baby who's yoonie?" He asks taking my hand in his. "Stop playing! Is he with my mom?" I say raising my eyebrows. "Baby I'm not sure who you're talking about" he says sitting on the edge of my bed. "Jungkook! How can you not know who yoonie is? He's our son now can you just take me to him!" I watch as his eyes widen and he looks towards the nurse who asks me "Mr. Kim? When was Yoonie born?" I open my mouth before closing it. When was he born? I look towards Jungkook and all of a sudden my head starts hurting as I whimper before everything starts coming to me. "Y-yoonie died didn't he? H-he d-doesnt ex-xist d-does he?" I whisper looking at Jungkook who just holds me as I cry. "Baby everything is gonna be okay" he says kissing my head. I sob harder remembering that I don't even have any hopes of having a kid, I guess it could only be possible for me to dream about it. That's all it was- a dream! Why did it feel so real tho? "Please stop crying my love, you need to rest up. Your body has been through enough, you need some sleep" he says wiping my tears. I nod and watch as the doctor walks in smiling. I smile back at him. "How are you feeling Mr. Kim?" He asks me while looking at some papers in front of him. "Physically I'm fine, mentally and emotionally I'm not sure" I say and feel Jungkook intertwining our fingers. I give him a small smile, "Well I hope I can make your day a little better. So you came with inflammation in your brain because of the smoke but we have solved that. But when you came in I'm not sure if you're aware but you were 6 weeks pregnant" I gasp at his words. I look towards Jungkook who also seemed just as shocked as me. "W-were?" I ask as tears start to run across my cheeks again. So I lost my baby? Again? I put a hand on my chest as it starts feeling heavy. I watch as Jungkook holds my face in his hand "Please stop, stop blaming yourself" he says knowing exactly what I was thinking. "Mr. Kim, please let me finish what I was saying. We had to do an emergency surgery to make sure that you weren't having any internal bleeding and we stopped it from getting worse. Now I was reading your medical history and I know you had a spontaneous abortion 5 years ago which left your womb injured. But you're okay, your baby is fine as well" he finishes with a smile and I just look at him with my mouth open. "So t-there's a b-baby I-inside of m-me?" I ask him and he nods his head. "Right now?" I ask him again and he confirms it again by nodding. "M-my b-baby is a-alive?" "Yes your baby is alive!" He says and I just look towards Jungkook who's smiling with tears visible in his eyes. "Jungkook I-I'm p-pregnant" I stutter wiping my happy tears and he just kisses me "y-you're pregnant!!" He says before hugging me. I just continue to cry on his shoulder. "B-but how?" I wipe my tears asking the nurse who's checking my IV. "Mr. Kim, time is magical sometimes. It heals people- inside and out" she says smiling before leaving us alone. I watch as Jungkook gets on the bed behind me and I just lay my head on his chest. "We're gonna have a baby" he says and I just look at him smiling "Yes we are!" I say as my hand travels down to my belly. There's a baby in there right now!!! "I can't believe that I'm pregnant! I thought I would never be able to live this day in my life. I c-can't believe I a-almost l-lost our b-baby again" I say sobbing on his chest. He just wraps his arms around me while kissing my head. "Shhh baby, you didn't lose our baby okay? Let's not talk about all that. Let's just be happy together, all of us" I nod as he kisses my lips.

I smile as I finish last bit of the soup Jungkook had brought me. I was getting discharged today, just waiting for the doctor to come in. I smile as the doctor walks in "Hello Mr. Kim, I hope you're doing well. The baby is looking healthy and the smoke luckily did not affect the baby! I just want you to inform that even though you are pregnant, there are great risks with this pregnancy. First and foremost I'm gonna put you on bed rest until any further notice. You should not be lifting anything over 10lbs and lastly please refrain yourself from being on your feet for too long. Eat proper food and try to control your stress okay?" I nod my head holding my belly- I'm not sure why? Maybe to protect our baby. I look towards Jungkook who's looking at me. "There's no restriction on sex but please don't be rough" I blush hearing the doctor say that but I'm so glad.

"I'll take good care of them doctor, don't worry." Jungkook says smiling at me.

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