Chapter 27

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Jin POV:

I smile internally while cooking breakfast for jungkook before heading out to open the restaurant. Last night was just amazing, the way jungkook was talking and visioning our date was kinda cute. He asked me to be his boyfriend and I didn't even hesitate to nod my head giving him my answer. Then of course we kept going until I had to stop him again because I had work and so did he. I smile drawing a smiley face with ketchup on top of jungkooks eggs. I pick up the tray and walk towards his room. I refrain from knocking his door because I want to surprise him with breakfast in bed. As soon as I walk inside I can hear his snores. I roll my eyes remembering how hard it was for me to sleep when we were younger and sleeping next to each other. One night I even tried to pinch his nose which resulted in him over reacting and telling everyone that I was trying to "kill him in his sleep" I chuckle to myself remembering our past memories. I put the tray on the side table before sitting on jungkooks side. I blow some air in his ears, he stirs but doesn't open his eyes. I blow some air again, this time harder. I yelp as he pulls me on top of him. "Hmmm good morning baby" he says with his morning voice which I loveeeee. "Good morning kookie" I peck his lips before trying to get out of his strong hold- emphasis on the word Trying! "Let me go jungkook! I have work for which I have to at least leave in 30 mins plus you need to go to work as well. Come on I made breakfast!" I smile as he just buries his face in the crook of my neck. "5 more mins" I roll my eyes at his words. "Jungkook, Get up now!" I get up after he loosens his hold on me and watch as he huffs before sitting up rubbing his eyes cutely. I grab his breakfast and put it in front of him, "I made your fav, scrambled eggs with a piece of toast and yes it has butter on it. And that smiley face is for decoration" I smile as he puts a huge bite in his mouth before moaning "Wow you truly are an amazing chef!" I watch as he gobbled his breakfast down in 10 mins. "Do you want me to drop you off?" He asks before waking to the bathroom. "I think I'll be okay but can I borrow your car you know since mine is at my apartment! We can pick mine up later." I say walking behind him. I watch as he brushes his teeth. "No need. I bought you a new one" he says before gargling his mouthwash. My eyes widen trying to process what he just said. Did he just say he bought me a new car? Nah I'm dreaming. "What did you just say?" I watch as he cleans his face with a towel before looking at me. "I said there's no need to go pick your car up because I bought you a new one" he says with his bunny smile. My mouth just hangs open and I try to say something but nothing comes out. I follow him inside the room again, "when did you even- how? I mean WHAT?" "Okay I know it's too much but consider it an early birthday present!" He winks at me and I just throw the first thing that I pick up which luckily for him happens to be a pillow. "My birthday was 2 months ago stupid! I can't accept this car" I say standing in front of him. My eyes roam around his naked chest and his perfectly carved abs. "You see something you like" he says smirking and I just hit his chest- hard! I watch as he groans before laughing "what is up with you beating me up so early in the morning?" He asks while rubbing his chest. "I'm just upset that you'd make such a big purchase for me without even asking me" I pout. He walks up to me before wrapping his hand around my waist. "Baby that's the whole point of a surprise. And how about I take it out of your paycheck?" He laughs as I punch his chest one more time.

"Someone's glowing" I blush while touching my face. "No I'm not" I say defensively. "Okay but why are you getting all wrapped up over it jeez" I roll my eyes before sipping on my green tea. "Sooooooo are you gonna tell me why you asked me to come to your work during your lunch break and I quote "URGENTLY" huh?" I smile shyly before taking another sip of my tea. "Okay jin-hyung can you stop blushing like a freaking bride and just tell me what it is that you wanted to talk about that you couldn't even wait till you were back home?" "Yah Jimin-Ah that's no proper way talking to your hyung!" I watch as he rolls his eyes before saying "okay then tell me!!!! I know something happened between you and jungkook! Is that why you asked me to come here? Look I've been so curious since you texted me this morning. Just tell me!!!" I watch as he pouts and I pinch his cheeks before saying "well you're not entirely wrong, something did happen between jungkook and I!" I watch as he narrows his eyes asking me to continue "So you know how we went for that competition-which actually got cancelled because they had a pervert producer who almost raped me but jungkook saved m-"
"WOAH WOAH! You almost got raped? Are you okay hyung?" He asks holding my hands and I nod my head smiling "I'm okay Jimin-Ah, like I said jungkook saved me. And well you know so much happened but long story short- we're together" I watch for his reaction but he just crosses his arm across his chest. "So you and jungkook are back together?" I nod at his question. "How did that even happen? I though he hated you and vice versa?" I sigh before telling him the whole story from our kiss that night in my room when jungkook came back drunk to him having a fiancé to which Jimin just laughed-mostly because he couldn't see jungkook with a woman, and then I also told him about how we told each other about our feelings and here we are- with each other. "Hyung you know I'll always be happy for you but are you sure this is what you want?" It was my turn to hold his hands before saying "Jimin-Ah I've been so strong for so long but I can't run away from the fact that I love this man. I love jungkook with all my heart and if there was a chance for me to be with him- I couldn't hesitate to take it! I know so much has happened between us but we're working our way on enclosing each other's truth. I'm just happy with him, I just wanna be with him" I look at jimin smiling at me, "I'm glad you're happy hyung and as much as that jerk hurt you I know you two belong with each other" I hit his arm slightly for calling him a jerk. "Yah hyung, so now you have a boyfriend , doesn't mean you're gonna start betraying me!" I laugh at his stupid words. As the laughter died down I could see jimin wanting to say something "just say it!" I told him "Did you tell about the p-" "Not yet! But I'm finding courage to speak up, I just want to enjoy our moment right now" I could feel myself getting emotional so I dismiss those thoughts and start conserving about other things, but the past remains in the back of my mind.

My hands touch my belly unconsciously.

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