Chapter 1

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Jin POV:

I look in the mirror straightening my white uniform. My hand runs over my badge head chef Kim, that's right I'm a head chef. Today is my first day at Bon Appétit, it's the fanciest restaurant in Korea. Even though I'm a quite well know chef now, I was still nervous during my interview but I guess because of my amazing experience and quite well recommendations for other well known chefs, I was able to get this position. The pay is great and the restaurant is beautiful. It is Italian with a hint of Korean touch. Italian is my favorite cuisine so I'm actually excited to starts working. I grab my work bag that has my own knifes. A chef must always carry his equipments with him. I stand in front of the restaurant in awe, I forgot how beautiful this place really is. I don't even know who owns this restaurant but whoever does must be rich as hell. I shrug my shoulder as I open the restaurant, I like coming in extra early so I can start preparing things in advance. I walk my way to the kitchen, this is a dream kitchen to be able to work in. It's so big, it has all kinds of tools and machine that I can't wait to start using. This restaurant is known for it fancy food presentation and I believe that food presentation is a key to my customers appetite. I wear my apron before I start washing some vegetables and cutting them as necessary. I hear the front bell ring as more staff member I assume started coming in. "I'm telling you the new head chef is so hot" I hear one of the voice say and I couldn't help but blush slightly. Of course I know I'm handsome I mean I have eyes but I always get slightly embarrassed when people complement my face. "I mean have you seen those lips, wish I could-" I clear my throat and watch as the person who was talking had his eyes wide as if he saw a ghost. "Good morning everyone, I'm kim seokjin your new head chef. I'm looking forward to working with you guys" I bow and watch them bow slightly as the person was still in shock as his face started getting red. "I-I'm s-Sorry about saying all of that. Omg this is so embarrassing" he chuckles awkwardly. "It's okay I like being complemented" I give him a smile to ease the awkwardness. I really don't but I can't have my co workers feel awkward with me. "I'm Hoseok or hobi for short, I'm a chef as well" he bows again. The slightly taller man next to him who hasn't said anything reaches his hands towards me "I'm kim Taehyung, your sous chef, I'm looking forward to working under a beauty like you" he says with his deep voice which I couldn't help but think was so sexy,he kisses my hand and I could feel my cheeks getting warmer. "Umm yeah, should we get to work" I turn around and start cutting the vegetable in order to ignore to that flirt of a sous chef. He got some nerves flirting with his boss like that but he is handsome and I've seen many handsome men but his beauty is out of this world. And his voice, Ugh it's so deep and rich. Okay jin get a hold of yourself, you can't be flirting with your workers. It's my first day and I already feel like this is going to be a very hard job. After preparing some doughs and some vegetable, I walk towards Taehyung who's defrosting all the meat from the freezer. "Shall we decide what's today's special?" I ask him. "You're the head chef, what do you think should be today's special?" He says getting closer to me. "M-meatball spaghetti? Let's keep it simple today" I say cursing myself for stuttering. I see him smirk as he whisper in my ears "sounds delicious" why did that sound so dirty for some reason? The restaurant bell rings again which makes me shuffle and walk outside. I watch a man with suit and pant on walk in my direction, that must be the restaurant manager. He's tall with blonde hair sleeked to the side making him look more intimidating. He comes up to me as he flashes me him dimply smile "hello I'm kim Namjoon, I'm the manager." He bows and I do too slightly. "I'm surprised you came in early, I thought since you're so famous you would be the type to boss people around and not do anything yourself" his honest opinion of me shocks me as I say "cooking is my passion and food is my love so why would I not enjoy my job?" He watches me for a second before saying "our last head chef quit because he couldn't handle the stress of this place. He wasn't a bad cook, just a weak person. Do you think you can handle this job?" I scoff, why would I accept a job I couldn't even handle. I know he's testing me so I reply calmly "every job is stressful but I will try my best to not let it affect my duties" he smiles while patting my shoulders "I'm looking forward to you tasting your food then" he says before leaving me and walking towards his little office. What kind of co workers do I have? One is talking about my lips while the other can't stop flirting with me and now this manager who seems to be doubting my skills. Great Jin, you better show these people that you're the head of chef not just some handsome guy with a white coat. I walk towards the kitchen, 30 mins till the restaurant opens!

I sigh as I prepare the, I stopped counting after 50, batch of meatball and spaghetti. People must take chefs recommendations pretty seriously here since I've barely had to cook anything besides that. Chef kim isn't so bad himself, besides being a flirt, he's quite good with his food. He helped me a lot with chef hobi who is such a ray of sunshine. I'm jealous of his energy. Namjoon came in a lot of times to the kitchen to tell me that the customer wants to compliment the chef. Every time I would go out, everybody would start staring at me. I can't blame them but it gets annoying after a while. "Okay last order of the meatball spaghetti is all done" I decorate the dish with a basil leaf on top before passing it to the server. "Good job everyone, we are finally done for the day. Let's clean up before leaving." I smile at them before starting to wipe the counter that had some sauce spilled on it. I'm not the cleanest chef while cooking but I always clean after myself. I don't like when my kitchen is messy. After cleaning I wash my hands. "Chef do you want me to keep the meat out or put it back in the freezer?" Hobi asks me. "Put it back in the freezer, we don't want it to smell" I reply. "Chef Kim, would you come to my office?" Namjoon calls me and I follow him to his office. Am I in trouble or what? "Please take a seat" he says and I sit across his chair. "Good work today! We had so many customers complementing your food, it's only your first day and the sales are already up. Boss would be very happy hearing this. Talking about him, he just landed from Paris so he's coming directly here. Would you be willing to wait for him? He would like to meet you" he says and I contemplate if I should go home and take some rest or wait for the person who's paying me. "Of course, I would love to meet him too" I reply back with a smile. "Ah perfect" just then we heard a bell ringing. The restaurant was closed so this must be the boss. "He's here. I'll go get him" Namjoon leaves before coming in with the said boss. My jaw drops and my eyes widen at the sight of the person I promised I would never see. His eyes landed on mine and he had the same expression as me. "You" he glares at me.

"Jeon Jungkook" I snarl back.

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