Chapter 8

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Jungkook POV:

I watch as his face turns into horror in front of me, "you're kidding me right?" He says and I just smirk "I wish I was because trust me I cannot even stand you I don't know how I'll stay with you for a month but this is good for business. Anyways we're leaving first thing in the morning so pack your bags" I reply back and I watch his face turn red in anger. "You're an asshole" he yells at me and I just chuckle "you should be thankful that I'm giving you this opportunity to show whatever talent you think you have to the world, you really were always so ungrateful" I think his face might explode from all that anger but I just cross my arms and watch him spit in anger "I really don't know what your problem with me is because you're being such a cry baby- trying to be the victim here but I know the truth. I know we have a past together- not a pleasant one- but still, you could at least act professional but noooo your man ego is too important for you. It has always been your pride against people, I pity you jeon jungkook. I'll see you in the morning" he says before leaving and it was my turn to be angry, how dare he say that. He knows out of everything that I hate being pitied, and look who's talking about their ego. If it wasn't for his ego everything would've been good. The hatred inside of me keeps bottling up for him and I don't think I can control it anymore. I don't want to hurt him, but I will. I will make sure he willingly quits this job, I want him to say it to me that it was his fault. I can't rest until I make him suffer, I've been so busy with my new business that I never got to talk about my feelings after he left. And here I am now with so much hate- hate that I didn't even know I was capable of having for someone I loved so much- but I guess it's the ones who you love that break your heart. And Jin made sure he broke mine to pieces, I've never loved someone as much I loved him but he took advantage of my love. Now because of him, I can't ever love again- more like I won't ever love again. I don't think my heart will be able to take it anymore, this is the reason behind my anger. He destroyed the only good thing about me- how much I cared for people- after he left, I tuned cold and distant. Besides Yoongi hyung, I don't think I care about anyone. Even if I try to care, deep down I'm so insecure- insecure that they will leave me the minute they find someone better than me or the minute they don't need me anymore. Jin is to be blamed for all of this, I blame him for breaking me. He deserves everything that I am about to send his way, I will not feel bad.

I stare at my watch while tapping my feet, classical Jin, I told him last night to be at the airport on time but Mr. perfect can't seem to be doing anything right or maybe he's just trying to piss me off which is working very well. I look towards the gates and find him running with a carry on bag and a suitcase, I almost felt bad for him but then he glared at me. "What? First you're late and now you're glaring at me. Seriously, have some manners. How can you be an hour late!!" I yell at him and I could see the people around looking at us. He looks around feeling a little embarrassed but nonetheless it didn't stop him from trying to act smart. "Okay first of all, you told me at midnight that I need to pack my bags and see you at the airport at 4 in the fucking morning!!! I was still packing at 2am and barely got an hour of sleep so it's your fault because I know that you been knew about this secret project or whatever, you just wanted an opportunity to yell at me." He says as he continues to glare at me. "You've gotten bold Jin, and I really don't give a shit what you do when you're home so stop making excuses. And why don't you try to act professional now" I say and I could see his mouth open in shock knowing that I used his own words against him, "this is going to be torture" he says under his breath but I could still hear him "for you" I thought in my head while smiling.

The flight to busan didn't take that long, I stretch my legs once the air hostess announced that we will be landing soon. I was in the business class of course while Jin- well he's where he belongs. We get off the plane and I wait for him to get off, I could see the displease on his face as he walks in my direction. "You're so unfucking believable!!!" He yells in whisper. "Jeez woke in the wrong side of bed or what" I tease him and I can see him getting angry. "You know you could've just told me that you were gonna send me in the freaking economy class, I could barely fit my legs in my seat. It was soooo uncomfortable!! You know I can afford a business class ticket for myself, you're so childish Omg" he continues to rant as we walk. "Stop being a drama queen, be grateful I even bought you a ticket" I reply back "you know I would've rather payed for my own" he says while waking past me. I laugh as I watch him trip against his own carry on bag, "seriously you're so embarrassing" I whisper against his ear from behind. He just ignores me as he continues to walk, I know that face- he's embarrassed. It's cute!! WAIT WHAT NO NO NO! it's not cute at all, it's annoying and childish!! I try to convince myself.

I thank my driver as he finishes unloading our bags in front of the hotel that the program booked for us, it's luxurious for sure! "Jungkook!! Can you at least help me" Jin yells as he struggles to carry his bags. I roll my eyes as I walk towards him, "why couldn't you just accept their help to carry your bag, that's what I did but no you have to be a saint" I say as I pick his bags from the floor. "I didn't want to cause them any trouble" he says while pouting slightly but my eyes goes directly towards his lips, in the past I would've probably kissed him right now but now I just feel annoyed. "And you have no problem causing me any trouble" I say while we continue to walk with his bags in my hands, "of course not" he smiles cheekily. "Want me to leave your bags here" I say lowering them to the ground "Noo, fine! Thank you jeon jungkook for being so kind to me" he says while yawning at the end. "At least pretend to be a little sincere" I say but he just continues to walk.

Why do I feel like he's the one torturing me instead of the other way around.

Authors note:

Hey guys!!! I'm alive lol sorry for not updating in soooo long 😭😭 like I mentioned earlier I started a new job and I've been so busy lately, I'm a full time nurse plus I'm starting college from tomorrow full time, so wish me luck lol but I will try my best to update as much as possible. Thank you for reading this book and thank you for being patient with me, appreciate you guys so much!!!! Love you 💜💜

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