Chapter 14

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Jungkook POV:

I rub his back as he continues to sob on my chest and it's physically hurting me to see him like this....... in distress. I shouldn't have yelled at him, the dinner party was ending anyways, I should've just let him go to his room, he wouldn't be like this if I would've just been not stupid. It's just I couldn't watch him walk away after the whole stunt "my fiancé" put on. I felt like I had some explaining to do to him, I should've told him about her. I don't even like her, she's so clingy and wants my attention all the time, and she's just soooo..... not him. I don't love her at all, our engagement is pure business deal because of her father. I'm trying to branch out more and having someone who's as successful as me will help me get more investors. That was the whole point of our little engagement, it wasn't even suppose to last this long since I've already gotten so many contracts and am already working with builders to open my own casino. She's just so clingy that it's easier to deal with her bullshit then ignore her because trust me she does not like being ignored. "It's gonna be okay baby, just breathe" I tell him as I continue to rub his back. I want him to know that nothings going on with Hyuna and I, I don't even like kissing her. I haven't even slept with her once, even though she's tried multiple times. I want to tell him that he's the only one for me....., I was happy last night when I got to kiss him. God did I miss his plumpy lips against mine. As much as I want to forget the past, I can't. I'm scared that he will leave me again, with no explanation.....again. And I can't handle that kind of pain. I barely survived when he left me, if it wasn't for yoongi then I would've never even found out about his infidelity. How could he have done that? Was I not enough? Did I not show him how much I cared for him? I mean I just didn't understand it..... I had our whole future planned out. But life does fuck you over. "Kookie, I want.." he mumbled before passing out in my arms. I catch his body before it hit the elevator floor. Just in time the lights turn back on as the elevator starts moving. It must've been a malfunction which is odd since it was working perfectly fine before. I ignore my gut feeling that something was off and pick him up in my arms bridal style. He's gotten so light, he looks perfect as always if not more but he's too thin right now. I would always feed him when we were together because he can't eat properly when he's stressed. I hope I'm not stressing him out too much because of this competition. I don't even know why I decided this was a good idea. I open the door to my room and walk towards the bedroom. I lay him down gently on his back, I study his beautiful face. He really is the prettiest of them all. I brush his hair away from his face, the urge to kiss his lips is too much for me. I kiss his forehead and mumble "I love you jin" before walking out of the room. I take a deep breath before popping a bottle of beer. Since jin has been back in my life, I've just been on a emotional roller coaster. Why is that whenever I love something, I always end up losing it. I lost my baby sister when I was in high school. That broke me to the point I wanted to give up on life and just be with her. It was only until I met jin, I realized what living meant. Before I was just surviving, after him I was thriving in life. I started doing things I liked, I always doing amazing in all my classes. I was working and hustling as he supported and motivated me. Everything that I have right now is because of him!! It's all for us, for our little family that I wanted. I sigh chugging the last sip from the bottle and throw it in the garbage. I walk into the room and see his angelic face snoring cutely. He must've been really tired, he only snores when he's tired. I walk into the bathroom and wash myself up, making sure I don't make too much noise, as jin is a very light sleeper. After I'm done washing up, I move towards the bed and lay down next to him. All I want for tonight is to be with him, I can put on the fake mask of dislike tomorrow. Right now, I need him. I kiss his lips and forehead gently before falling asleep myself. Loving the fact that the love of my life is right next to me.

I open my eyes as lights hit them directly from the window. I try to rub my eyes but couldn't, I looked down to see jin laying on my chest with his legs over my thighs and arm surrounding my body. I smile but that smile faded after I realize that this isn't real. It's only for the mean time. Jin can't sleep without hugging something or someone. He probably did this out of his habit. I try to remove my arms that he bas grabbed on to. Just as I thought I succeeded, I hear his mumbling. "Mmhmm..." he opens his eyes and look towards me. My eyes widen as I realized what he just did. He kissed my lips.... "good morning kookie" he snuggled more into my chest. Am I dreaming? And then all of a sudden I see him get off of me and stand up. "Omg omg omg I'm so sorry I thought I was dreaming....  not that I dream about you or anything but omg I'm sorry I didn't mean to kiss you" Ummm OUCH! He must've noticed my expression as he said "I mean I did but it was done unconsciously... omg I'm so embarrassed right now" he says before looking down. I get up and walk around the bed to stand in front of him. I scratch my neck while saying "it's okay i understand" giving him a slight smile. He smiles back "I should leave... I'm so sorry for being a burden to you last night. I know I wasn't professional at all but trust me I want to represent your brand and I'll give my 100%" I nod as I watch him walk towards the door. I hesitate to tell him but I do.  "Jin?" He looks back "yeah?"

"You're never a burden to me."

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