Chapter 9

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Jin POV:

I watch as jungkook places my bags in my room, he stretched his arm while looking at me "you owe me for this!" He says while walking towards me with an unknown expression in his eyes, I walk backwards but hit a wall. He closes the distance between us, his face is only inches away from mine, I can feel his breath on my face- that's how close we were. But for some reason it wasn't awkward, it wasn't like this with tae- I didn't want him to be close to me but jungkook- I don't mind? "W-What are you doing?" I ask him as he continues to look at me "what do you think I'm doing?" He says in his low husky voice that sends shiver all over my body. "Take a shower and be ready in an hr, you stink" he says against my ears and I could feel my ears turning red from embarrassment. He gets away from me and looks at me with his extra smily face "why what did you think I was gonna do?" He says while smirking, I know damn well he did that on purpose!! "N-nothing " I cursed myself for stuttering in front of him and I could see his grin widening after I stuttered. "And I don't stink okay!" I move past him trying to get back from my embarrassment. "Whatever just meet me downstairs in an hour, we have a meeting with the director. You better show up on time!" He emphasized the last sentence before leaving my room. His room is just across mine, I wished it was across a whole ass ocean but I know my luck- it's never in my favor. I slump down on the bed, the tiredness from the trip and the fact that I didn't get any sleep before that hits me but I can't afford to sleep right now or else the satan himself will show up and start yelling at me. I can't give him anymore opportunities to yell at me from now on, I get myself up and walk towards the bathroom and start a hot shower to relax my muscles. I think about how jungkook carried my bags earlier for me without complaining- or not a lot of it at least. It makes me feel giddy for some reason, I know I'm acting like a teenager but let me have my moment. This was the first time since we've seen each other after 5 years that he wasn't mean to me, he was almost a little nice. I know he's much nicer but pretends to be cold. I also couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier, I'm so embarrassed- I really thought he was trying to kiss me or something but in my disappointment he was just being his regular jerk self. Wait did I just say I was disappointed? Wtf is wrong with me!! Jin you need to wake up and remember how broken he left you. Get yourself together, you're a young talented might I say very handsome man, you could have anyone you want. Just not the one I actually want- just the thought of it makes me a little sad! If Jimin was here he would've killed me for even thinking that. I turn off the shower and walk outside with just a bathrobe. I was humming as I walk towards my room when I hear jungkooks voice  "oh I forgot to te-" I look at him in horror and scream before running inside the bathroom. He looked shocked too, "you could've at least knocked!!!" I yell from inside the bathroom. "You could've at least locked your room!! Jeez how irresponsible are you? What if someone else was here instead of me? No one would've been able to save you! Seriously Jin you're unbelievable!" He continues to yell but I just smile to myself after what he said. He still cares about me, "and why are you hiding? It's not like you're naked" he says and I walk outside after making sure I don't look too tacky. "So What made you invade my privacy yet again?" I ask him crossing my arms. He scoffs before saying "I don't enjoy "invading your privacy" but I forgot to tell you that it's a formal dinner so don't dress up in street clothes and embarrass my company. Dress professional and look clean" he says and it was my time to scoff "yah do you think I didn't know that already! Of course I was gonna wear a dress suit" I lie and he narrows his eyes before clicking his tongue. "Anyways that's all I wanted to tell you, you got 20 mins" he says before leaving me alone yet again. He's truly unbelievable, now I will make sure to look extra clean!!!

I look in the mirror and smile to myself, "wow I'm so handsome" I think to myself as I adjust my hair in a way that my forehead is on display. I'm wearing a black turtleneck with a black blazer and black pants, I live for all black suits! My shoulders look extra big today, I check myself one more time as I spray some cologne on me before walking out the room. Ah ha! I'm 10 mins early, I smile to myself knowing how annoyed jungkook will be knowing that I'm actually early. I use my phone as I wait for jungkook to show himself, after 5 mins I see him getting out of the elevator. My jaw almost dropped as he walks with so much confidence, he looks.... hot! He's wearing a very tight black shirt- that looks like is about to pop from his chest- and a black blazer with  black dress pants and Gucci belt. He looks so much mature now, "wow someone is on time finally" he says as he checks me out. I watch his eyes move up and down on me, "not bad" he says and I scoff "not bad? You mean so handsome" I say flipping my non existent hair, I hear him chuckle as he says "whatever drama queen, let's go now" he says and I follow him.

My mouth drops open as I walk towards the restaurant in the hotel, it's sooo big and so golden! It looks like one of those royal palace or something. The waiters are dressed in all white giving the restaurant a classy vibe, thank god jungkook told me about dressing up formally or else I would've literally came here with my ripped jeans and a hoodie on. "So beautiful" I say looking around "yeah it's one of the most luxurious restaurants in the country" Jungkook says as he waves at an older male which I guess is the director. "Hello Mr. Lee it's nice to see you again! This is chef Kim, he's the one representing my company in the program" jungkooks says as he pulls a chair for me before sitting down himself. "Hello Mr. Lee, I'm looking forward to working with you" I give him a smile. He takes my hand and kisses it before saying "the pleasure is all mine, jungkook is smart! Having as gorgeous person as you on the TV will definitely bring a lot more views" he says while still holding my hand, I smile but feel a little uncomfortable. He lets my hand go and smiles in my direction, I don't know why but I'm getting a creepy old guy vibe from him.

"Yes he's one of the best chefs we have, so better be careful" Jungkook says in a not a friendly tone.

Double update since I'm feeling good :))

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