Chapter 44

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3 years ago.......

Jin POV:

I look at Yoongi with my eyes widened, "w-what do you mean!" I yell and try to get up but Jimin holds me down. "Hyung please be careful, think about the baby" I take a deep breath before talking "I n-need to see the d-doctor, please Yoongi! I h-have to see him!" I sob joining my hands together, begging for someone to take me to Jungkook! I have to talk to the doctor who's taking care of him. I won't listen to anything Yoongi has to say, he's not the doctor. I wanna talk to jungkooks doctor and after 5 mins I watch as a doctor and a nurse walks inside my room. I straighten my back and hold jimins hands who's still sitting beside me. "Hello Mr. Kim, you're the family of Mr. Jeon?" The doctor asks and I nod my head "h-how is he?" I ask while stuttering because of all the nervousness. "When he was brought here, he had already lost a lot of blood and was going into a hypovolemic shock but we were able to stabilize him. For now I can't say he's out of danger but we're trying our best. We were able to take the bullet out successfully but he hasn't woken up yet which is normal at the moment. We're just hoping that his body is able to fight through and respondpositively to the surgery. I know that you're on a bed rest but you can visit Mr. Jeon in a wheelchair if you'd like. He's still in the ICU but feel free to give him a visit." I try to grasp everything the doctor just said and gulp the lump that's formed in my throat. "Hyung are you okay?" Jimin asks as the Medical staff leaves. "He's still alive Jimin, my baby is alive, and I'm alive. I guess I should be t-thankful right?" I ask smiling at him while tears drop down my cheeks. "Hyung every win is still a win and Jungkook is a fighter. He'll be awake in no time" I nod at him and watch as Yoongi walks inside my room. "I'm so sorry jin, I never wanted any of you to get hurt" Yoongi says with his head lowered. "I forgive you, I really don't have any space for hate in my heart. I just want my family to be h-healthy" he walks towards me while holding my shoulders "Jungkook will make it hyung, I have faith in him" I smile looking at him. "Help me see him please" I ask both Yoongi and Jimin who help me get into a wheelchair. Jimin holds my hand as Yoongi wheels me to jungkooks room. My eyes get watery as I see him laying on the ventilator with so many machines attached to him. "Oh my god!" I gasp getting close to his face. He looks so pale yet he's still so handsome. "H-hey baby, I know you can hear me. I l-love you and I m-miss you. Our son is missing you too" I say bringing one of his hand towards my belly, I want Jungkook to feel our son. "We're both okay, t-thank you for saving us. P-please wake up soon. I don't think I can watch you like this for long" I stand up with jimins help and kiss his forehead. "I love you so so much" I say kissing his hand. I can hear Jimin and Yoongi sniffing in the back. "Can you give us a moment please?" I ask them and they nod before leaving. I wrap both of my hands around his own while bringing it up to my lips leaving kisses all over it. "You know I can't do this without you right? I c-cant raise o-our son without you! I c-cant even think of a life without you. You're my e-everything baby, please keep fighting for us! We both need you so much!" I sob again bringing his hand to my belly again "P-please d-dont leave him fatherless" I yelp as I feel our baby kick and I smile through my tears. "L-look even he's cheering for you! P-please come back to us" I kiss his hand one more time and look towards the door where Jimin is watching me, he's probably scared I'll fall or something. I nod towards him and watch as he walks inside. Everything will be okay!

2 days turned into 5 which turned into a week and now into 2 weeks, I'm getting closer to giving birth but Jungkook hasn't woken up yet. The doctors are saying his vital signs look good and his blood work is coming back to normal as well. They said there's no more bleeding but he's still not awake yet. They might be scared that he will go into coma. I shake my head trying to get rid of all those negative thoughts. I scrunch the wet towel before wiping jungkooks face gently with it. "My belly is getting bigger if that was even possible, I'm starting to eat better. I couldn't even think about eating while you're lying here but Jimin and Yoongi forced me to start eating for my health. I know you'd be disappointed if I kept your son hungry, by the way he's becoming so active. I can't wait for him to be in our arms already." I continue to smile while wiping his hands and his fingers before kissing them. "Just please open your eyes for me, I'm dying to hear your voice baby" I say caressing his cheeks before kissing his lips. I keep my lips pressed there and just as I was about to get up, I felt it! I felt him kissing me back. My eyes widen as I look at him, his eyes are starting to open. "Oh my god oh my god! Jungkook, hey hey baby" I start yelling for the nurse while caressing jungkooks cheeks, I watch as his eyes open completely. "You're okay baby, you're okay!" I kiss his lips one more time and watch  as the nurse asks me to step aside so she can assess him. I watch as the nurse asks him questions and I smile as he answers everything except the fact that he didn't know what date it was. I watch as the nurse gives him some pain medication before leaving us alone. "H-hey baby" I say as tears rolls down my eyes. "J-jin? W-why are you crying baby?" He says while wiping my tears. "N-no I'm just so h-happy you're awake, I m-missed you soo much" I kiss his forehead and then cheeks. "I heard everything you said to me while I was sleeping, you gave me motivation to wake up. Thank you for that baby" he says while smiling at me. "I missed seeing you smile" I say while hugging him. "I'm here baby" he says caressing my hair. "How's our son?" Jungkook asks and I smile while bringing his hands to my belly. "He's so active and eager to come out. I'm so glad you'll be there with me, I w-wouldn't be able to do this without you" I try to control being sad because I didn't want Jungkook to get sad but I watch as he scoots over and pats the other side of the bed asking me to join him and I do. I lay my head on his chest, being careful of his wound, as he wraps his hands around me. "I'm not going anywhere my love, I'm so happy you're safe; both of you" he says while kissing my head and I smile "I hate you for risking your life like that but thank you for saving us" I watch as he chuckles before saying "I told you baby, you and our son is worth dying for!" I look up at him as my eyes get watery "don't you every put me in a situation where I have to think about a life without you, I already suffered being away from you for 5 years! Please don't every fucking leave me" I say while crying "I won't ever leave you baby, you're my world. I'll get better and healthier in no time. Don't worry about me" he kisses me on my lips and I gladly return the kiss.

"I love you so much jin"


Heyyy good morning everyone, well it's morning here haha but I know the last chapter prolly left you super confused but here's a little flashback. I read every single comment and I know how much you guys want a happy ending, the book hasn't finished so I can't spoil anything but just know that I'm reading everything. I love your guys input on the story. After I finish this book, I wanna do a Q&A where you can ask me anything 😁😁 I've always wanted to do that! But I hope you all beautiful people have a lovely day! I love you all 😘😘😘

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