Chapter 20

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Jungkook POV:

I laugh as jin run towards the bathroom too. "Yah you bad man!!! How could you leave me alone there!!" He yells hitting my arm. I laugh while catching his hands, "baby I was just teasing you and there's no one out there!" He just pouts while mumbling something like "you don't know that" in his tiny voice. "Okay now baby can I use the bathroom please?" He pouts even more before nodding his head. I kiss his pout and watch him leave huffing and puffing. I relieve myself and wash my hands before going into the bedroom where jin is laying down. "Did the ghost get you yet?" I say and groan as a pillow hits my face. "Don't make me kick you out" he says glaring at me. "So you want me to sleep in my room? I wouldn't mind it but I don't know about you? What if there's an actual ghost here then who will save you huh?" I watch as he turns pale before getting up and jumping on me. I catch him in my arms as he looks at me "you won't be leave me tho right? You promised earlier" he says blinking his doe eyes. "Of course I'm not leaving you baby. I would never again, now let's sleep okay? We have our first round of competition tomorrow! And you need to rest up!!" He clings to my body and I pick him up ruffling his hair "let's sleep my love" I put him down and he lays his head on my chest and nods before saying looking at me "goodnight Jungkook, I love you" "goodnight my love, I love you too" I say pecking his lips and then his forehead. I close my eyes with a smile on my face and the love of my life in my arm.

I watch as jin paces back and forth in the hallway. "Baby please relax, everything is going to be alright!" He just glares at me while saying "what do you mean?? Everything is doomed?!! How can I win this competition without my knives? EVERY CHEF HAS THEIR OWN KNIVES!!! How could I be so stupid to forget them ughhhhhh. Jungkook-Ah I'm so sorry" he says while sniffing and I hug him immediately petting his back "baby please stop crying!!! Knives are just knives my love, you're an amazing chef and a piece of tool won't define your talent you hear me? I love your cooking and you're an amazing as well as talented chef so I know you can do this!! Plus I'll be right there with you my love! I'm your sous chef remember? So don't worry and just relax. We have to be at the set in an hour so let's get some tea and we'll head out." I say as I continue to rub his back. "Yeah I'm sorry I just don't wanna disappoint you" he says looking at me with his red eyes. "Baby I trust you! Believe in yourself just like I believe in you okay? Now let's wash up and head out" he nods his head before we leave. After drinking some tea, jin looks a little calmer. We walk towards the set and see all the contestants lined up. We arrived right on time. "Okay contestants, we will be recording in 5 mins. Please head to your counters and wait" the director says and we follow their orders. I smile at jin as he looks at me nervously "you got this" I whisper at him and he seemed to have understand what I said "thank you" he mouths and I smile at him. "Well well well, if it isn't the gold digger" I turn my eyes towards Hyuna who said it loud enough for everyone to hear it in the studio while looking at jin. She could care less about this competition, she's only here because of her dad and well also because she found out I was gonna be here. I was about to move towards them when the directory says "okay stay in your positions and Miss Hyuna please take yours. The countdown will start in 10....9..8..7..6..5...4..3..2..1 and start" the director says before the anchors start introducing the show and the contestants. I look at jin to make sure he's okay and he was smiling at the cameras but I knew he wasn't all fine. I swear I need to talk to Hyuna again and remind her- her place! "So judges what are we going to have the contestants cook today?" The anchor says looking at today's judge. "Since today is their first elimination, we wanna go simple bit traditional. Today we will be tasting some.......Kimchi Stew." I look at jin who looks towards me with a thumbs up. Jin cooks the best kimchi stew so this would easy for him. "But there's a twist!!!" I look towards the judges who are smiling while looking at our confused faces.... what kind of twist? "Only ingredients that you can gather in the first 30 secs will be the ones you'll be using" I look at jin who looks at me nervously. "The main chef will be all given the same 30secs with very limited ingredients. It's a first come first serve kinda deal! So chefs buckle up!" I watch as jin lines up with all the head chefs and I give him a thumbs up. I watch as they blow the whistle, I watch jin running towards the fridge to grab the meat- smart move! I watch as the time clocks and Jin seems to be doing pretty good. "10 more seconds contestants!!!" As the countdown start I watch as jin was about to grab the green onions, Hyuna pushes him off making him drop his bag. My eyes widen and I was about to run towards jin when the writer stops me. "You can't go it's against the rule" "AND PUSHING SOMEONE ISNT" I yell back at her and she just shrugs. I watch as jin hurries up and gathers as much ingredients as he could. "And time!!! You can only use what you have in your hand chefs" I watch as jin comes back to with a disappointing face.

"I failed"

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