Chapter 11

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Jin POV:

My eyes widen as he gets closer to my face, maybe if I shove this ice cream in my mouth he'll back off? Thinking that I shoved it in my mouth but to my avail, he still came forward. I look at him and see that his eyes are also wide just like mine at the realization of what just happened , great this trip barely started and we're gonna be awkward with each other from now on. Just when I thought that jungkook was treating me well, this shit happens. Will he go back to being mean to me? Why do I even care? I don't care what he thinks about me. Do I? I can feel his breath on my face, that's how close we were and looks like he has no intention of moving away. Should I? "Get a room jeez" an older lady who was passing by our table said and I immediately backed off, I bowed my head towards her trying to apologize for our "behavior". "Umm let's go, it's getting late" he says while scratching the back of his head. He's not even looking at me, yup it's definitely going to be awkward between us from now on. I should've just kept my mouth shut! "Yeah we should" I say while getting up, he follows behind me.

We are the definition of awkward right now, when we were going to the ice cream shop- jungkook was walking besides me but now he's good 3ft away from me. I don't like this distance that he created, I wonder what he's thinking. I spy the bunch of guys we walked past earlier and find him speeding next to me, I know jungkook moved me to the other side on purpose so I wouldn't have to face them while we walk. Was he being considerate or was he pitying me because of what Mr. Lee said earlier. He truly hurt my feelings when he said those words, and it was more embarrassing as he said it in front of jungkook. I was truly surprised when jungkook lost it and started going off on the director. He stood up for me, and I'm truly grateful for that. And I know that he took us to the ice cream shop to cheer me up. Why is he acting like this so suddenly? He legit use to express his hate towards me blatantly before but these days he's been easy to talk to. He takes care of me, he's actually considerate of my feelings. Should I trust this behavior? What if he's being nice to me so that he can advantage of me and than embarrass me for it in front of everyone? No jungkook will never do that. Will he? "Hey we're here" his voice brings me out of my thoughts. I look and see that we're already inside the lobby of the hotel. "Go ahead and go to your room, I have something to do" he says before leaving. He's acting weird! What does he have to do in the middle of the night? I pout as I think of all the scenarios in my head, what if he has a hot date? Jin seriously!!! Who cares if he has a hot date? I don't clearly. I scoff to myself at my own lie. I clearly care or else I wouldn't be feeling this way. Maybe talking to him about the situation will help ease down the tension and this awkwardness. With that thought I walk towards my room. Hopefully tomorrow we can talk.

As soon as I got inside the room, I decided to drink some wine that was given by the producers. I take the whole bottle out and start pouring it for myself. I need to stop thinking about jungkook and focus on this new challenge that he got me into. He said I should be grateful to him for giving me such an opportunity but I swear to god if I embarrass myself in front of the whole country because of how awkward I am, I'm going kill him! Maybe that's the reason he decided to be a sous chef and not the main chef. He wants me to do more things. My thoughts take a whole ass U turn as I think about how close his lips were to mine. How would it be to kiss him again? He always did like my plumped lips. I take the last sip of my 4th glass of wine before putting whatever little amount is left back. It's not like I have to do something tomorrow. I can get drunk. I freshened up and just as I was about to go to bed, I heard the door bell ring. Who the hell is disturbing my beauty sleep! I walk or more like wobble towards the door. My eyes widen when I see jungkook standing in front of me leaning towards the door. "I n-need to talk to you" he slurred. Is he drunk? What the hell? "Why don't you come inside and then we can talk" I tell him opening the door wide so that he could come in. He tried to walk but continued to trip so I decided to give him a hand. "Here let me help you" I say putting his arms around my shoulders. I helped him walk towards the bed, he immediately plopped down  on my bed. "You make me so confused kim seokjin, everything was fine before you showed up in my life again. Actually everything wasn't fine, I was lonely. Still am but now I have this hate towards you that I can't seem to get rid of but I hate it when you're upset. I hate it more when I'm the reason behind but I can't help myself. You shouldn't have come back. I can't control myself for too long" he says all of that with his eyes closed still laying on the bed. I don't even know what to say to him, I'm kind of speechless right now. He hates me but he hates it that I'm upset when he yells at me? He's the one making me confused. I didn't know it was hard for him too, I was only thinking about myself. "Jungkook you're drunk, let's get you to your room and we can talk tomorrow morning" I say and walk towards him to help his ass sit up. "Why can't we talk right now" he whines and I couldn't help but smile to myself at his cuteness. He's all tough and macho but whenever he's drunk he turns into a big baby. I liked taking care of my big baby in the past, he could get really adorable. Taking care of him right now reminds me of those memories that we made with each other, being here with him right now feels so right. Taking care of his drunk ass feels like home to me. "I promise we will talk tomorrow but right let's go to sleep" I say as I pull his arm to sit him up but as soon as I do he lays back down on my bed. Okay this is clearly not working, maybe I should just let him sleep in my room for tonight. I'll sleep on the couch. "Okay at least lay properly in bed" I tell him and he finally complies with me as he pushes himself up. I remove his shoes and put a blanket on him. I was about to leave but I yelp in surprise as I feel myself being pulled towards him. "J-jungkook what are you doing?" I ask him as I try to get up but he just pulls me closer towards him. I'm literally laying on top of him right now. I yelp again as I feel myself being pushed next to him as he hovers over me. I gulp at this new intimate position, his face is centimeters away from mine. I can smell the alcohol on him. I opened my mouth to say something but he chose this opportunity to kiss me instead. My eyes widen in surprise, his soft lips on top of mine moving together like they belong together. I didn't realize I was kissing him back, it was like my mind and my body aren't cooperating with each other right now. I know this isn't right but it feels so right!! I can feel my lungs burning in need for air and seems like so did his as he detached his lips from mine. We're both panting and he lays his forehead on top of mine.

"Why did you leave me jin?"

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