This Is Gonna Be The Best Day of My Life

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The next month

***Tony's POV***

"Tony, get up, you terd face!" I heard Vic yell from downstairs. Chad and I had bought a house when we got back from tour, so that Tyler would have his own room. We lived about 10 minutes from Vic and Jaime's apartment, and they came over almost everyday. 

I crawled out of bed and ran downstairs in my Ninja Turtle pajamas. "Is that casserole I smell?" I laughed. Chad poked her head out of the kitchen and nodded. Vic, Jaime, and Mike were in the living room watching my son crawl around in circles. 

"Ay vato, when's he gonna start shredding?" Mike laughed and kicked his feet up onto the coffee table. 

"No!" Chad yelled from the kitchen. I laughed and shook my head. We always fight whether he's going to play guitar or bass, her instrument. I smiled and watched her come running into the living room. "He will play bass, okay! Jaime and I will teach him, right Hime?"

"I don't know, man," he laughed. "I've seen Tony throw punches when he doesn't get his way."

"Bullshit," I laughed and threw my pillow at him. Chad turned to go back to the kitchen, but I grabbed her hand.  "Is lunch ready?" 

"Yes, come on," she groaned. I got up to follow her. "Mike, Vic, Jaime? Are you guys eating?" she yelled. Immediately, they all ran in and sat around the big table. I helped Chad fix all the plates, and finally, we were all eating.

When we were all finished, Chad smiled over at Jaime and giggled. "Is it wedding planning time?" Jaime laughed, and they both took off running upstairs. Vic, Mike, and I all made our way back to the living room to spend the day writing new songs.

***Jaime's POV***

Chad and I flopped on her bed, and she pulled out wedding magazines. "I want this one!" she laughed and opened one of the dress magazines. I looked at it and smiled. It was a strapless dress, off-white, a tight top with silver sequins, and then the bottom flowed out.

"I like it!" I smiled. I was about to ask about other decorations, when there was a knock on the door. 

"Knock, knock," a girl laughed as she poked her head through. 

"Sarah!" Chad yelled and jumped off the bed to tackle the girl. I laughed at the way they hugged each other tight. When Chad finally let her go, she turned to me and laughed. "Jaime, this is my best friend from back home in New Zealand, Sarah!" 

"Hi, I'm Jaime," I smiled and waved to her. "I'm sure you girls can hold this down alone." I got up to walk back downstairs to Vic. 

"Sit down, Jaime!" Chad yelled and tackled me down onto her bed. I laughed and let her sit on my stomach while she and Sarah talked about dresses, flowers, venues, and much more.

Finally, afters taking tons of notes, Chad slammed her little Pierce The Veil notebook shut and giggled, "this will be the best wedding ever!" 

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