Murder the Moment

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***Jaime's POV***

"What do you mean Jack is her dad?" I yelled as Vic stormed around the house. "Vic, you aren't sure that he's the father!"

"He is the father! I'd know my baby girl's lips anywhere and that's her lips! My girlfriend slept with my friend and now I'm stuck with the baby," he sobbed. I pulled him into my arms and held him close.

"Vic, baby, calm down. You knew she had cheated so why are you overreacting?" I asked, stroking his hair. I mean honestly, she had cheated three times, why is this such a big shock? I'm not surprised at all that whore slept around with our friends..

"Because I have to raise a child that isn't mine, when one parents is still alive! You know what, Jaime? I'm gonna make him raise her! Yeah! This is his problem!" Vic yelled. My mouth fell open, and I pushed him away from me.

"What do you mean problem? That's my baby girl you're talking about! She's not a problem, she's a gift," I yelled before storming out the front door with Ainsley in my arms.

****Vic's POV****

"She's not a problem, she's a gift," Jaime yelled at me before he picked up our child and ran outside. 

"Jaime, wait! I'm sorry! That's not what I meant.." I mumbled as I slid my back down the wall. Fuck..Shit Vic you fucked up AGAIN.

I picked up my phone and dialed Tony's number. It rang and rang and rang and finally he answered. "What?"

"Tony, can you guys please come over.. I have a crisis," I explained. I heard him sigh on the other end of the phone and finally he answered me.

"Yeah, okay, man. Chad is in the shower, when she gets out, we'll be on the way. Hey, man, what's the problem?" he asked.

"I can't talk about it now.. Just hurry," I mumbled before I hung up. I sighed and walked slowly to the kitchen. Jaime had left his phone on the kitchen table, along with his only half eaten plate. I sat down in his spot and sighed again. "Jaime, I love you.."


There was a knock at the door before Tony let himself and Chad in. I walked out of the kitchen and waved sheepishly. "Take a seat, kiddos.." I mumbled, taking a seat in the chair. Tony and Chad sat on the love seat, his arms around her waist.

"So, what's up, man?" Tony asked before nuzzling his neck into Chad's shoulder. I smiled at their cute ways before sighing and leaning back.

"There's really no easy way to say this, so, here it goes. Jack Fowler is Ainsley's biological father," I said, watching their faces wash over with shock and disgust. Tony sat up, adjusting the way Chad was leaned on him.

"Wait, what? What the hell do you mean? How is Jack the father?!" he yelled, sitting up and leaning towards me.

"I mean Jack is one of the guys Cara slept around with, and now he's the lucky winner of a child," I shrugged and sat back in my chair. "She was a slut, why are you so shocked?"

Tony sat back and nodded, "well yeah, she was a slut, but I mean, wow..I don't know... So what are you gonna do about Ainsley? Where is the little rugrat anyways?"

"Jaime took her and ran away because I said we need to take her to Jack," I explained. "I mean isn't the right thing to do? He's her father, she's his problem."

"Baby's are never problems," Chad said, finally speaking up. "It's pretty obvious Jaime is the woman here. He understands parenthood like a mother. Your child is never a bother, Vic, ever."

"So what do I do? I love Ainsley, but she should be raised by her father, right?" I asked looking for any kind of help.

"You talk to Jack and let him decide. The last thing you want to do is push an unwanted child on him, that's only gonna make him treat her wrong," Chad explained, and Tony nodded in agreement.

***Jaime's POV***

I returned home around 8 at night, Ainsley still in my arms, but asleep now. I walked up the stairs to our door, as Tony and Chad walked out the door. Chad smiled and hugged me softly. "Try to behave," she warned before waddling down the stairs holding her stomach.

Vic must have told them about his realization and our argument. I sighed and walked in the door. Vic was on the couch watching Star Wars. I ran upstairs quickly, laid Ainsley down in her crib, and ran back downstairs. I sat down beside my boyfriend and sighed, "Vic, I apologize for storming out. I totally over reacted."

He smiled and climbed into my lap. "Hey, you hush. It was my fault. This is our daughter, no matter what DNA say," he mumbled before pressing his lips to mine. I smiled against his lips and held his hips.

"Baby, let's go to bed. We'll talk about it tomorrow.." I said picking him up and walking upstairs with his legs around my waist and his lips tracing down my neck.

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