What Am I Supposed to Be, Impressed?

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[SPANISH TIP: "Caesar" is pronounced 'SAY-zar' so the nickname Cae is gonna be like 'say']

****Jaime's POV****


"Baby calm down, it's not like I listened to him.." Chad said softly, trying to calm Tony down. I was sitting in beside Vic in the back room. Mike had run to pee and left Gabii sitting across from us.

"Will he ever let it go?" she asked, talking about Tony.

I nodded and readjusted my hold on Vic's waist, "Oh yeah, eventually. He'll stay mad for this month, doing everything to spite Caesar, whatever Caesar says, he'll do the opposite."

Vic spoke up, "no literally, if Cae says 'Tony be safe,' Tone will go play in traffic, or something." We laughed, knowing it was true. Vic cuddled his head into my chest just as Mike ran back in with snacks.

"I hope you washed you hands, Michael," Gabii mumbled, well aware he hadn't. She threw a bag of Cheetos to Jaime and tossed me the Doritos. Once the snacks were dispersed, Mike dealt the cards and we started our couples game of Go Fish!


We finally made it to Nashville. I grabbed Vic and we ran off the bus.

"Where are we going?!" he asked, still running full speed with me. I led him right into the woods and we fell under a tree. "Haha Jaime, you brought me to the woods?"

I kissed him softly and smiled, "I thought it was kinda romantic. Look, the trees are changing colors and it's not hot, and I brought a picnic bas- No fuck, it's on the bus." He busted out laughing. I was blushing and hid my face.

Just then something fell beside us and we both jumped and screamed. It was Gabii, dropping the picnic basket. She didn't even stop walking, so I threw a stick at her and yelled thank you.

"See, that was part of the plan," I explained, pulling out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, his favorite. He took a bite, right out of my hand, and smiled.

"Mhm, right." he mumbled. He swallowed the bite and kept smiling at me. It was growing awkward.

"Can I help you?" I asked nervously. He just smiled and laid back. "You're so strange.." I mumbled before I laid down beside him, my head on his chest. It was fun to lie like this; I could feel him breathe and hear his heartbeat. We were safe this way.

***Vic's POV***

Jaime lay his head on my chest and I smiled. I ran my fingers through his hair and he giggled. God, that's the sweetest giggle ever. I thought. My phone was buzzing in my back pocket. I pulled it out. My mom wanted to FaceTime. Oh lord mom..

"Ello?? Victor?" she yelled at the camera when I answered. Jaime and I were laughing hard at her lack of savviness when it came to technology.

"Ma, its me. Hi." I waved and she smiled a wide grin. Then my baby was on the screen. Little  Ainsley appeared and she was smiling, too. I waved to my baby and cooed. "Well, hello Mrs. Ainsley," I said before Jaime snatched my phone away. He giggled at her Halloween outfit. "Hello, darling," he whispered.

"She's a rock star, like her padres," my dad said in his heavy Spanish accent. I laughed at the way he spoke Spanglish, throwing in that one Spanish word. Jaime waved at our little girl and my mother moved her hand to make it look like she was waving back. "You two be safe on the road!" My father yelled.

"Okay dad, we love you guys! All of you," we yelled before hanging up. "She's so adorable. I wish we could be there for her first Halloween," I mumbled before lying back down.

"I know, honey. We'll be back for Christmas though," I heard Jaime say before I drifted off to sleep.

****Jaime's POV****

"Wake up! Fuck!" someone yelled, and I jerked up out of my sleep. It was Casey, and he was pissed. I pulled Vic up, and we ran out of the woods.

"My basket!" he yelled looking back.

"Fuck that basket, we've got like an hour before our set!" I screamed as we reached the bus. I ran in and straight to the closets. I grabbed my skinny jeans, a Key Street shirt Tony had given me, and my red Vans. I stripped down and changed quickly.

"Mmm, looking good," Vic said as he smacked my ass. We both laughed, and he reached into the closet for his clothes. He pulled out one of his regular outfits and I sighed.

"You seriously need to spice up your wardrobe, baby," I told him as I tied my shoes.

"Well, baby, the fans like this. They're used to my awesome button ups," he giggled. I shook my head and ran to the backroom.

"What pick are you using tonight?" I called back to him. I grabbed my Mickey Mouse one and shoved it in my pocket.

"Get me the one my dad gave me and then just the one of the Collide cover for the crowd." he answered. I grabbed them both and walked back to the bunks just as he finished getting ready. "Okay let's do this!" he said, grabbing his picks from me.

"Hey, mister, get back here!" I yelled. He turned around and kissed me softly. "Better," I giggled, running off the bus behind him. We ran into the venue and found Tony and Mike. They had just sent Gabii and Chad to side stage.

Jaime grabbed his bass guitar, Tony grabbed his new orange guitar since he'd broken his last one, and I grabbed my new rhythm guitar that my father had given me. We huddled into our circle as Sleeping With Sirens finished If I'm James Dean. Tony began the clapping and we chanted, "The devil is everywhere. P. T. V." We ran on stage as Sleeping With Sirens ran off.


We finished our set. Mike threw his drum sticks and sent the fans into fighting mode. I jumped down and leaned over the barricade. I pushed thousands off hands off  me and gave my pick to one girl who I saw singing every song. She burst into tears, and I smiled at her and hopped back onstage.

Jaime and Tony threw their picks as well, and we all walked offstage together. "Hey, Gabii and I are gonna run to Target quickly," Mike called over his shoulder as he walked away with his girlfriend. Tony and Chad has stayed back to talk to members of Tonight Alive.

I looked at the way Tony held her close to him and smiled. I looked up at my boyfriend and kissed him softly. "Life's good, Jaime."

He nodded and pulled me into the bus. He locked the door behind us and pushed me on the couch. "Oh," I said softly.

It was only know I realized his pants poking out. I smiled and unbuttoned my pants. He got down on his knees in front of me and pulled my pants and boxers off.

"Oh Jaime.."

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