You're Leaving Me Just When I Thought You Were Mine

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***Jaime's POV***

Vic finally came back to the bunks, and I heard him mumble goodnight to Emma. I sighed and rolled over onto my side. A few minutes later, Vic was climbing into my bunk. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close.

"Come here, you," he sighed. He pulled me basically on top of him now. I knew I had to be crushing him now, I had a good forty pounds on him, maybe fifty since he's losing a lot of weight. "I missed sleeping with you, Jaime.." he mumbled.

I wiggled around and looked down at him, "yeah? Then why'd you leave?" I asked, feeling the tears rise quickly. He kissed my lips softly and sighed.

"Jaime, look, I can't talk about it right now," he mumbled. That's when the tears fell.

"So, what? I'm supposed to be with you again, but you're gonna be keeping secrets?" I choked out through tears. He wiped the tears away as they passed my cheek. It felt nice to have him here to comfort me, but he was the source of my frustration as well. "Vic, I'm tired of being a little game of yours, I need to know you truly love me!"

"Jaime, I swear to you right now, with all my heart and soul, on my talent, family, friends, and this band, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. These past months with you have been fucking amazing, and I could never ask of anything more from you," he yelled, but not angrily, desperately. And I understood. I didn't know why he couldn't tell me, but when he choked off at the end, choked on his own tears, I snapped out of boyfriend mode. I was back in last year, when I was his best friend, his rock, the one he always confided in.

I sat up, wiped away my tears, and grabbed his hand. "Vic, I love you, okay?" I mumbled. The dark was becoming more natural now, so I could make out his features. "I'm not sure what you're keeping from me, but I trust that you'd only keep something from me if you thought it best," I told him. He nodded and pulled me into his arms.

We sat like this for hours, until he finally began snoring. I laid him back and sat beside him all night, protecting him from all the night horrors.

****Vic's POV****

I woke up that morning with awful stomach pains. I ran straight for the bathroom and knelt over the toilet. I violently regurgitated all the food I had for dinner into the toilet bowl, along with blood. I sighed and flushed the filth away, third time this week. It's getting worse. I stood up slowly and held my stomach, which was now throbbing in pain.

Jaime met me at the bathroom door and hugged me tight. "Vic, are you okay? I heard you vomiting.." he sighed. I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder. "I'll make you breakfast, honey!" he yelled before running off to the kitchen. He threw 4 Eggo waffles into the toaster and pulled a chair out for me. I sat down and sighed.

"Here you go," he sang out in his beautiful voice as he set the waffles in front of me. He made himself a few, too, and sat beside me. He was scarfing his down, but I wasn't hungry at all. I just stared at my beautiful lover and memorized every beautiful feature about him.

"Honey, you look flushed, are you okay?" Jaime said, observing my face.

I nodded and tried to look away, distract him from every sign. I thought of an excuse after a few seconds and said, "yeah, just not feeling too good." Jaime cleared the table and pulled me back to bed.

"Take a nap, Vic," he commanded. I laid down and thought about how'd I'd ever tell him the truth.

***Jaime's POV***

I had jsut put Vic to bed and walked back to the living room when Chad walked out and smiled. I waved her over, and she sat beside me. "How are you holding up, kiddo?" she asked.

I smiled and wrapped my arm around her. "It's getting better, Chad. But Vic is sick, like, violently sick," I told her. She nodded and laid her head on my shoulder.

She mumbled, "I've noticed," to where it was almost barely audible. I looked down at her and sighed. Maybe I should confide in her. She was my best friend after all.

"Chad, Vic is keeping secrets from me. Well, a secret. But I can tell it's super important. He's acting so different. Do you think maybe he still loves Emma?" I finished the entire string of sentences in about 5 seconds. I talk fast when I get nervous. Chad just looked up at me with eyes of bewilderment.

"No.." she started. "No, of course not. He made the decision to leave her for you!" she yelled. I covered her mouth to remind her that everyone else was sleeping. At least I thought they were. I heard vomiting and movement from my bunk just before Vic slipped out in tears, blood all over his mouth and clothes.

***Vic's POV***

I climbed out of our bunk that I had just painted with blood and looked over at Jaime. I was crying, I knew this was it. I ran to Jaime and held him in my arms as tight as I could. He never said a word, he must have figured it out. He just cried into my hair and held me tighter. We cried together, and I heard everyone else wake up and come stand in the living room with us. I heard Mike crying in the very back.

They all knew, everyone but Jaime. I told them all as soon as I found out, but how could I have told Jaime as easily. It's never easy to tell the one you love that you're dying of cancer. I finally pulled back, realizing that I had covered Jaime in my blood, too.

Tears were streaming down his face. I shook my head and sobbed out, "Jaime, I'm dying. And it won't get better. I love you, don't you ever forget that!" I yelled before pulling his lips to mine. I was ready. I wanted to go just like this, my lips pressed to his, memorizing every crack and crevice.

In my head, our entire lives together were flashing by. From the moment we first met in Guitar Center, to our first gig together, to the making of Pierce The Veil. Every night that we had stayed up late talking about our deep thoughts on life. Every tour. Every road trip. Every interview. Every show. Every laugh. Every tear. Every moment I'd ever spent with this man, and how this was the moment they'd end forever.

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