Dance If It Moves You

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****Vic's POV****

"Jaime, c'mon, wake up.." I continued to plead with my lover as I rolled him over in bed repeatedly.

"Mmmm, go away.." he mumbled and pulled the blankets over his head. I crawled on top of him and pulled the blankets back. He finally opened his eyes and looked at me. "Why are you torturing me this way, mi amor? I don't want to get up.."

"We go live on uStream in like 15 minutes, you have to be up, Hime," I explained with a pout. Jaime looked up at me and kissed my lips softly.

"Fine. I'll be down in 5 minutes. Make me coffee?" he asked with a smile. I nodded and ran downstairs to the kitchen. Mike and Tony were in there already making coffee. I smiled and patted Tony on the back.

"Hey, Tone, how ya been man?" I asked, walking past him to the bacon my brother was making. I smiled and took a piece as Tony responded.

"It's goin' great. Chad is due in just 3 weeks. Man time flies ya know," he trailed off, smiling into a distance. I laughed and ate my bacon. Tony finally snapped back to reality and grabbed a bag of Doritos. We all ran to the living room and flopped on the couch just as Jaime ran in.

I smiled at him, and he ran over and sat in my lap. Mike started the video chat and thousands of questions flooded our feed. I laughed and wrapped my arms around Jaime's waist.

I love Pierce The Veil.

When will you guys be touring again?


When are you guys getting married?

I laughed at all the crazy things coming into our feed. Jaime finally picked out a question about touring. "Actually guys, we won't be touring until Warped 2013." I slapped his arm and laughed.

"Jaime, we aren't supposed to tell them we're on Warped 13! Not until December!" Mike yelled and slapped my boyfriend's head. Jaime just shrugged and laughed at his own mistake.

We took a lot more questions about personal things, from Ainsley (who made a guest appearance) to our favorite foods, and about band things like our next  album. After a long time looking for good questions, I realized it had been a two hour broadcast. "Oh shit guys, we have to go, we had fun with you guys!" I yelled and waved. "Stay out of gangs, don't do drugs, and wear condoms!" I scolded the fans before Tony shut off the video.

Tony jumped up and ran to the bathroom. Jaime took his seat  beside me and kissed my cheek. I laid my head on his shoulder and watched little Ainsley crawl around. She smiled and pulled on the carpet.

"Hey, what's it like having a kid?" Mike asked softly. I smiled and looked over at my younger brother.

"Mike, its the best thing that has ever happened to me, tied with Jaime and the band.. Are you thinking about kids?" I asked, excited at the thought of being an uncle. Mike didn't look at me; he only nodded his head slowly and smiled.

****Jaime's POV****

Mike was asking about kids, and honestly, I'd never seen him smile so much. But on the inside, I was scared. Vic and I could barely stand to be away from Ainsley while on tour. Tony had pleaded as hard as he could to bring a pregnant Chad on tour. And now Mike wanted kids. No. If everyone is having kids, tours are gonna have to stop. And when tours stop, bands stop. I can't lose this band.

My train of thought was lost when Tony came running downstairs. He didn't stop running until he was at his car. He only yelled four words before driving off.

Chad is in labor.

I sat up and looked at Vic and Mike to reassure what I was positive I heard. Mike stood up and ran to the door. "What?" he yelled, but Tony had already driven off. I jumped off the couch and put on shoes.

"Shit!" Vic yelled and ran upstairs. I ran to the kitchen to grab my car keys and phone.

We all ran to my car, Vic driving, me beside him, and Mike in the backseat. Vic drove as fast as he could to the hospital. "What the hell does he mean she's in labor? He said she wasn't due for another three weeks!" I yelled.

Mike leaned into the front and pointed to the ramp we needed to exit for the hospital. I sighed, completely stressed out, and closed my eyes. By the time I reopened them, we were in the hospital parking lot.

"Excuse me, where is the maternity ward?" Vic was asking everyone we passed as he parked the car and jumped out. I got out the car and followed him. One nurse finally gave us directions and we ran that way.

"We're looking for Chad Perry!" Mike yelled at the nurse who seemed to be in charge.

"You'll have to wait in the waiting room, I'm sorry," she explained without looking up from her clipboard. I sighed and grabbed her arm.

"Hey, when did she get here? How far along is she?" I badgered.

"Maybe like 5 hours, she's only dilated to 4 cm. Look I have important things to do!" she yelled, walking off. I rolled my eyes and walked to the waiting room. Vic and Mike plopped beside me.

Some of the crew showed up about an hour later, including Casear. He sat next to Mike and sighed. "You guys think Tony is still mad about what I said? I feel so bad, I realize how happy this makes him now," he asked, laying his head on his hands.

I sighed and shook my head, "no man, Tony won't even care when this is over. He's too excited about the kid."

Vic sat up and smiled, "hey did we ever find out what gender it is?!" He was smiling from ear to ear. How? Did no one else see the band pulling apart. I sat back in my chair and shook my head.

"No, they wanted to keep that a surprise, even they don't know," I explained and sighed. I laid my head back and Vic laid his head on my shoulder. We fell asleep like this, cuddled together in a waiting room.

I was shaken awake by a frantic Mike yelling, "IT'S A BOY!"

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