Have You Ever Really Danced on the Edge? {Fuenciado}

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****Vic's POV****

We had just finished the show. Everyone was chanting for an encore but we knew we had to leave them without one. I yelled thank you and we walked off stage with all of the gifts thrown at us during our set. We all high fived and went to the bus talking about how great of a kick of to the tour that was.

Jaime slapped my ass as a fan took a picture and I couldnet help but laugh. More fans ran up taking pictures so we played up the intamacy with hugs and funny faces. One fan ran right up to us.

"EEEEEEP," she squealed. "So Fuenciado is real?!"

Jaime smiled at her and whispered, "soon my child. soon"

She ran off with her friends screaming "OHMYGOD SHIP SHIP SHIP!"

Jaime and I laughed. He threw his arm around my shoulder and we walked back to the tour bus. We walked in and saw Tony and his girlfriend Chad kissing.

"Hurry back babe, Star Wars comes on in 30 minutes!" Chad yelled after him as he ran to the bathroom to shower.

Jaime walked to the kitchen and grabbed the bag of taco flavored Doritos. I flopped down next to Chad.

"Alright freak, hand over the remote," I said with a chuckle. She handed me the remote. I changed the channel to Disney Channel. Just then, Jaime flopped on my lap and squealed, "OH MONSTOBER!" We all laughed and began watching Halloweentown. Right when I reached into the bag of Doritos, Jaime's girlfriend Alex walked in. I sighed quietly. I liked Alex, don;t get me wrong. She was so silly and cute and she really made Jaime happy. But just seeing her kiss him..well..it made me feel bad.

"Himesterrr!" she squealed as he jumped up and they ran in slow motion to each other. They kissed each other slowly, and Chad and I both made a noise of disgust and mumbled "get a room" in sync. Jaime led her to the back room and they closed the door. I didn't even want to think about what was happening behind that door. I had to distract myself so I got up went to the kitchen for food.

****Jaime's POV****

I led Alex to the back room and she closed the door. She sat on the couch and looked at me. Something wasn't right. I sat beside her and held her hand softly. She pulled her hand away slowly. I looked at her in pure confusion.

"Alex, what's wrong?" I asked while I moved a strand of hair out of her face.

"Jaime there is no easy way to tell you this... I.. I'm in love with Vic!" she yelled.

I looked at her with a blank stare on my face for what seemed like forever. I couldn't quite get the words to form.. How could she love my best friend?? After all I'd done for her, she wanted another man, my best friend nonetheless?

"Look Jaime," she started. "I love you still but I have these feelings when I look at Vic. I just can't control them anymore!" She ran out the back room. I couldn''t do anything but stay seated. I felt the tear roll down my cheek.

****Vic's POV****

I heard a lot of shouting coming from the back room. I knew it was Alex. I tried to focus on the burrito I was wrapping, but as I was spreading the guacamole, someone jerked me around. Before I could figure out what was happening, I saw Alex close her eyes and crash her lips to mine. I wasn't sure how to respond. She smacked my butt and ran out the bus crying. Chad stood up and looked at me. I looked back with sheer confusion in my eyes.

I heard crying still. It was Jaime. I ran to the back room and pulled him up into my embrace. He cried and cired. I didn't bother asking what happened. I knew it would only make it worse. I held him until he got tired and then escorted him to his bunk. I lied him down and tucked him in. I whispered in his ear "good night Himetime.."

****Jaime's POV****

I woke up around 3 AM. The bus was moving. I didn't know if Alex was still on the bus or not; either way, I didn't want to get up to find out. But I had to use the bathroom, so I man'd up. I rolled out of my bunk and looked around the living room. Vic was still up. I smiled over at him and he motioned me over. I walked over to him and sat beside him. He wrapped his arm around me, I rested my head on his shoulder.

"So what happened, big guy?" he asked quietly.

"I don't know Vic. She just.. she just blurted out that she loves you.. And all my memories after that are a blur.."

Vic hesitated before he whispered, "she kissed me dude. She ran up to me, kissed me, and left.."

I felt the tear that had been building up roll over and down my cheek. I knew she would do something like that. I just closed my eyes and let more tears fall. I felt Vic wipe them away softly and I couldn't help but smile. But it was ruined as quickly as it got good.

"OH TONY..OH OH..OH YES" we heard Chad screaming from Tony's bunk. It got louder and then all went quiet. A few moments later Tony jumped out in his boxers with a huge smile on his face.

We laughed and he winked at us. We knew that meant get ready for a lot more of that tonight. He ran into the bathroom and we took that chance to escape to the backroom for some peace.

Have You Ever Really Danced on the Edge? {Fuenciado}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora