And That's One Hundred Sleepless Nights

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***Vic's POV***

We were finally back in San Diego. We had picked Ainsley up from my parents and come straight home. Jaime had fallen asleep quickly, and knowing him, he would stay that way for about 10 hours.

I rolled over to look at Ainsley's baby crib. She was awake and reaching for the birds hanging from her mobile. I smiled and walked over to her. I picked her up and rocked her gently. She wasn't up for sleeping either; she looked around at everything and tried as hard as she could to form words. I sat on my bed and let her crawl around the floor.

"You look a lot like your mama, kiddo. She had the same blond hair, that strawberry tint. You have her eyes, too. Those pretty blue eyes that light up like the sky. Your lips have a familiar shape, but they aren't Cara's." I laughed at myself for talking to a baby. I grabbed her before she could try to climb the dresser, and put her back in her crib. "Goodnight, Ainsley."


I woke up around noon to the smell of bacon. I rolled over, and Ainsley wasn't in her crib, so I assumed my boyfriend had gotten her up. When I made my way downstairs, I realized I was correct. She was sitting on the kitchen floor playing with his pajama pants. 

"Hey, handsome. You slept a long time," he walked to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, and I wrapped mine around his neck. I kissed his lips softly and smiled.

"Something has just been bothering me through the night, but I can't figure it out," I sighed and laid my head on his chest. He rocked me slowly in his arms. "The bacon.." I mumbled, cuing him to run to the kitchen and take the bacon off the stove.

I picked Ainsley up and followed Jaime to the kitchen. He was setting bacon and eggs on two plates. I smiled and set her down in the highchair my father had bought for her. I walked over to Jaime and kissed his cheek softly. We sat down and ate. He was talking about all his plans for tonight as I scrolled through Instagram. Jack Fowler has posted a picture of himself and Gabe hanging out at a pool. I looked at Jack and studied his face. Something was familiar about it. I dropped my phone onto the floor when I figured it out. It was his lips; they were Ainsley's lips.

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