The Thing I Think I Love...

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**I just wanna say that I love you guys, and thank you for reading. The feedback rocks :)**

***Jaime's POV***

"I should get home now," I mumbled and kissed Alex's head softly. "I'll call you."

"Don't go," she whispered and looked up at me. "Please.."

"I have to," I sighed and got out of bed. I slid on my boxers and shorts, and then I felt her hand on my back. 

"You'll come back?" she asked quietly. I thought for a while, and then I just got up and left. I couldn't make any promises. I just needed to get back to Vic. He was probably worried sick. But what will my excuse be...

I walked down Alex's street away from her house right towards the sunset. I got an idea and took off running towards the nearest mall.

***Vic's POV***

"Vic? Are you gonna eat, love?" Chad yelled up the stairs. "Vi-i-ic!" she basically sang. There was a knock at the door, and then it creaked open slowly. "Vic, come on. He's probably fine."

"He wouldn't just ditch on the day after our wedding!" I yelled and pulled another pillow over my head. 

"You have to get out of bed, whether he comes home or not!" Chad yelled and yanked the blankets and pillows off of me.

"No, I don't! Would you be okay if Tony just vanished one day!?" I yelled and snatched my blankets back. She couldn't come up with any come back, so she just stood there, staring at me. "Exactly."

"Vic, I know you're worried, but please get up. We need you. Your family needs you." She shook her head and walked back out my room. I sighed and got out of bed. I looked a mess, in sweatpants and a tank top, my hair a complete mess. I sighed and walked down the hall. I could smell the tacos from up here.

I waddled down the stairs, wishing I was back in my room. I sat down at my normal spot at the table and waited for Mike to set down the trays. I grabbed a taco shell, still quiet, and made my first taco.

"The fights on tonight," Mike mumbled, trying to make small talk. 

"Yeah," Tony chimed in. "Why don't you watch with us?" 

"No, thanks," I mumbled and continued to eat my taco. I grabbed my second shell just as the door swung open.

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