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Hi guys! Two years later, I'm back to let you know I've started working on a sequel to this story. The sequel is titled Just Hold My Hand and Jump. The first chapter is already up on my page, so go check it out. It picks up six years after this story ends, and there's already a lot of drama. I hope you enjoy it, and if you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to comment them, and I'll try to get back to you on that. Love you guys, and thank you for reading this long ass story and hopefully it's sequel as well.

For other PTV fanfiction, you can check out:
-Lonely Girl Chronicles, a love story with girl/Mike. It's my newest fic and it's still being written. It's set in the days when the band was just starting so that's a new perspective I don't think many people write fics about. It's very new so if you read it, please leave feedback!
-Outcasts In Love, my most popular fanfic, also girl/Mike. It's pretty long like this one, but I really liked writing it, and it got a lot of great reviews so definitely check it out.

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