He Could Make Hell Feel Just Like Home

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**Jaime's POV**

I grabbed my phone and dialed his number again. 30 second of ringing and then the voice mail I had memorized.

Hi you've reached Victor, sorry I can't answer right now, but leave a message and I probably won't ever call you back. 

The voice mail always made me smile, even know as I was in tears, because he called himself Victor. His mother had made him record it that way because she didn't like that he had shortened his name. 

"Vic, pick up please, I need you back!" I sighed and dropped the phone onto the empty side of the bed where he usually lay. The door cracked open, but no one came in. I sat up and looked towards the door, squinting into the total darkness. Someone or something was tugging at my blankets. I yanked them off the floor and scooted towards Vic's side of the bed. 

"Vic, if that's you, this isn't funny," I warned and grabbed the tire iron from behind the bedside table. Then I heard a familiar sound; the sound of little baby knees tripping and hitting the floor. 

I crawled back to my side of the bed and used my phone as a flashlight, just enough light to illuminate little Ainsley's face. I looked up at the door and saw Vic poking his head in. 

"Vic, what is this? How did you- I mean when-" I was stumbling over my words, trying to figure out which question to ask first. 

"Shh.." Vic whispered as he climbed into our bed. I grabbed Ainsley and pulled her up into our bed. She was so much bigger now, sporting jeans and the smallest Sleeping With Sirens shirt I had ever seen. The moon must have escaped from behind a cloud because now our entire room was illuminated. 

"How, though?" I asked and looked at him, my baby girl cuddling her way into my arms.

"I was at Cara's grave.." he started, and I could here the sadness catch in his throat. I traced the outline of his face softly with my hand and shook my head. 

"We'll talk about it tomorrow," I mumbled and reached for his hand, but he moved it away before I could.

"We have a lot to talk about tomorrow," he said and I heard a piece of paper come out of his pocket. I knew it was the letter that Alex had left. I knew I had a lot to do before I was forgiven for that one. Little Ainsley pushed herself up and crawled across the bed to Vic. 

"Daddy," she giggled, and the sound of her little hands slapping together filled the room. 

"She remembers us," I whispered, feeling Vic's fingers begin to intertwine with mine.

"If she can reconnect with the past, we can too," he said, a smile in his voice. I felt the bed lower on his side, and then he was rolling on top of me. His legs were straddling my waist, and he bent down, pressing his lips to mine passionately.

The electricity shot through my body from my lips, leaving my body tingling as our lips danced together passionately. Our hands explored each other like it was the first time again, and soon, we were both down to our boxers, our legs and arms wrapped together to form one body. 

"Vic," I gasped, pulling away for air for the first time.

"Yes?" he asked quietly, getting on his knees to relieve himself of underwear. 

"I love you," I whispered, helping him take his boxers off. Our lips met again, but only briefly this time, before I began pleasuring him slowly, then increasingly faster, earning moans and groans from his face, hidden in the darkness.

"Jaime," he moaned over and over again until l felt his body buckle forward, meaning he was about to climax. I took my cue to turn him onto his hands and knees, and I slid my boxers off. I entered him slowly, since it had been so long, and earned a loud moan from both of us. I thrust slowly but deeply until I felt the bubbly feeling rise in my stomach. 

"Vic," I groaned and felt myself release inside of him. I pulled away and flopped back on the bed, and moments later he was beside me, both of us gasping for breathe and reaching for each other. Our hands met, fumbling around bedsheets, and clasped together.

"I love you," he mumbled and chuckled just a little. 

"I know," I smiled and kissed his neck softly, before we both fell asleep.

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