Beauty Needs An Animal To Breathe

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***Vic's POV***

We arrived at the place where the reception would be and piled out of Jaxin's SUV. We all jumped out except for Chad and Tony, who dropped us off at the reception and then left again. They had put off packing for their honeymoon until now.

I walked in with Jaime, and we sat at the table with our placecards on it. I knew my mom and dad would be here soon, but I missed little Ainsley in my arms.

"Vic, are you okay?" Jaime asked softly and grabbed my hand. I snapped back from my daydream and looked at him.

"Uh, yeah," I smiled a little and turned to the door just as my mom came in with Ainsley on her hip. There was a little high chair beside me, between me and Mike, and my mom dropped Ainsley in it.

She slammed her hands on the little table and laughed. I gave her my finger to hold and looked at Jaime. We were a reconnected family again.

"We never got to go on our honeymoon," I said quietly as more people filled the room looking for their name cards.

"I'm sorry," Jaime mumbled and looked down at his glass of wine. "Where would you like to go?" he asked quietly without looking up at me.

"Jaime, that's not what I meant. We don't have to go anywhere," I told him and sighed.

"But you'd like to," he said questioningly.

"I would," I turned from him back to Ainsley, who was now beginning to cry. "I'm going to take her outside for a while." I stood up and picked Ainsley from her high chair.

"We're talking about this later, Mister!" Jaime yelled as I walked away, and I giggled excitedly.

***Jaime's POV***

I didn't bother Vic about our honeymoon again until we were in bed that night. I rolled over and laid my head on his chest.

"Where would you like to go?" I mumbled into the muscles of his chest.

"Jaime," he whined. "We can just stay in town, get away but not really!"

I sat up and turned on my bedside lamp. I looked down at him and smiled. "Is someone afraid to leave his baby girl?" I teased.

He smiled slightly and nodded. "I just don't want her to stay somewhere new without us. She'll be scared, you know, and I-"

I grabbed his hand tight and cut him off. "Victor, I will arrange everything. It's a surprise, of course, but I'll plan it all. You better start packing tomorrow. We'll be leaving by next week at the latest."

I could hear the smile in his voice as he turned the lamp off and rolled on top of me.

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