Besitos Para Vic

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*[A/N] Thank you so much for reading! This chapter was so fun for me to write so I hope you guys enjoy it (: 

****Vic's POV****

"Vic! Vic! Wake up, this is super important," I heard a voice say as it shook me and rolled me over in my bunk"

"What.. Chad its like 5 in the damn morning. What do you want?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"Okay well first, its almost noon sleepy head. And secondly.. Oh just get out of bed! I can't have this conversation with a half asleep Vic. Just meet me McDonald's in 30 minutes!" She giggled as she ran off. What in God's name was this girl planning..

****Chad's POV****

I waited in McDonald's for over an hour. Finally Vic walked in. A few girls asked for his autograph since they couldn't come to the show tonight in Phoenix, Arizona. I waved him over and smiled. He sat down across from me in the booth and I just stared into his eyes. I didn't know how to start this conversation. How do ask someone if they're gay for their band mate?

I just mumbled "Jaime.." but it answered every suspicion in my head. They way his eyes light up for a split second, that gave away his love. I smiled and giggled like a gossipy teenage girl.

"What.?" Vic looked at me like I'd lost my mind. Maybe I had.

I just kept laughing though. Ok maybe I did look a little insane. I managed to calm my hysterics, but the giggles kept bursting through.

"Okay explain yourself Chad. What the actual fuck are you laughing about? And why did saying Jaime make you act that way?"

"Okay look Vic. I don't care if you do cause you know I love you," I started. "Look.. do you like Jaime?"

He stared at me and looked around for anymore fangirls. The coast was clear. He leaned in close and, barely audible, whispered "How'd you find out?"

I smiled and poked him, "Oh my God you do! Look Vic you're kinda bad at hiding it! I mean, do you even notice the way you look at him sometimes?You're so obvious hun."

"Oh God. I can't let him find out. How do I hide it, Chad, help me! I ca-"

I cut him off. "Victor Vincent Fuentes, if you don't tell the boy you love him, I swear on this Big Mac in my hand, I will!"

"Chad.. He doesn't feel the same way."

"You can't be sure until you're sure, Vic." I walked off, leaving him to make up his mind.

****Jaime's POV****

I got out of bed around 2. No one was on the bus but me. I took this chance to get in the shower since Tony and Chad decided to make it a fuck palace last night. I winced at the hot water at first. It felt good against my skin after a while. As I started scrubbing my skin, a crazy thought arrived. I began daydreaming.

Vic had just got home from work. I smiled and kissed him softly. He looked so cute in his suit. He hugged little Jessica, our daughter we had adopted. She giggled and ran outside to play with Noah, Gabii and Mike's daughter, and Cameron and Tina, Tony and Chad's twins. We sat in the living room and reminisced on the good times. Vic smiled at me and whispered, "The good times have just started for us Jaime."

If only..

My train of thought was cut off by a loud slam and a string of cussing. It was Vic and he was pissed. I jumped out of the shower and thought about running out to see what was wrong. I figured running out naked wouldn't be good, so I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out slowly.

"Vic you ok?"

****Vic's POV****

I stormed into the tour bus, prepared to avoid Jaime and all that deals with him until my feelings faded. But then I heard his beautiful voice.

"Vic, you ok?" His voice rang out. I looked up to see his body wet and glistening. He literally looked like a God. I imagined having X-Ray vision and seeing right through his towel. Alright Victor. Obviously these feelings aren't fading.. But I can't just tell him! No, Chad was right. I'll never know until I know.. Oh god look at his abs..

This inner battle took place in about a split second. I smiled and nodded, "Yeah Hime, I'm fine."

He sat beside me and I had to look away. I couldn't look at him and not follow my urges. "You can tell me anything, Vic, you know that?" he asked.

This is it Victor. Do it.

"Jaime. What if I can't tell you anything? Because what if anything covers being in love with you? What if I can't tell you because I know you can't possibly see me that way. I know when I get out the shower you don't see the body of a God and you don't get feelings for me the way I'm getting them for you. Because honestly, Jaime, right now my brain is screaming 'RIP HIS TOWEL OFF VIC!' But I can't do that Jaime, I cant. Because you don't love me ba-"

I was cut off by his lips crashing onto mine. I wasn't sure if it was real. But I didn't let it pass up. I kissed him back passionately. His tongue slipped past mine and they danced.  I'm not sure how long it went on like this. He finally pulled back and whispered "Victor Vincent Fuentes, i love you."

"And I love you, Jaime Albert-" I was cut off again by his lips.

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