Live It Up Baby Don't Look Down

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[A/N] I can finally write on a computer again wooo!

***Vic's POV***

I woke up that Friday with the sun shining through the windows. Jaime and Gabii had been hiding up in the attic all week, planning the honeymoon I guess. With them up there and Chad and Tony gone, it was just me, Ainsley, and Mike most of the time. We spent most of our time playing soccer, eating and then FIFA once it was too dark to play real soccer. 

"Mike, come on," I groaned and pushed him over. We had fallen asleep in the living room, but today we were going to see our parents before Jaime rushed me off to wherever. 

"I'll be ready in 10 minutes," he groaned and slowly crawled off towards the stairs. I sat up on the couch and stretched. For the first time in a week, I saw Jaime in the kitchen. 

"Hello, Mr. Preciado," I smiled and grabbed his hips from behind. 

"Why, hello, Mr. Preciado," he beamed and hugged me into his chest. "Where are you and the brother off to?" 

"Gonna go see mama and pop," I said and looked up at him. He was concentrating on his eggs. "So? Where are we going?" I asked. 

"Vic, I would be the worst husband ever if I told you before we got there!" He laughed and pushed me away. "Go get dressed, love. I'll have everything ready when you get back." I nodded and kissed his cheek.

"I love you," I smiled and let go of his hand slowly. 

"I love you, too, sweetie."

***Jaime's POV***

I had our bags in the trunk before Vic made it back. I had made sure to get his hair dryer, curler, and straightener so he wouldn't have to go back in. Ainsley was strapped into her carseat and already asleep. Everything was ready when Mike's SUV pulled back in. Vic jumped from his car to mine, and we said goodbye.

"When will you guys be back?" Mike asked and pulled Gabii closer. I winked at her and smiled.

"You'll have two weeks to yourselves," I grinned and grabbed Vic's hand tight. "See you guys then." We pulled out of the driveway, watching Mike run Gabii inside to do who knows what, who knows where, and I drove toward the airport.

"So we're flying wherever we're going," he deducted.

"Well that is true. I didn't think driving would be romantic, I mean we've driven cross country together countless times." I smiled and drove faster. In less than an hour, we were dragging bags and a baby through the airport, through security after security. "This way," I directed. "Vic come on," I moaned. "We're going to miss our flight," I whined. Finally, we were boarded and seated, and I could relax. 

"Jaime, this is really important to you, isn't it?" Vic asked as he shoved our carry on above us. 

"Yes, Vic. Who knows when we'll get two weeks to ourselves again. Well almost to ourselves," he laughed and bounced Ains on his knee. "I just want to make up for.. everything." I sighed. Vic made himself comfortable, ready to sleep. I wasn't comfortable with sleeping on planes so I would be staying up with Ainsley for the next 17 hours to Australia. Lucky for me, Vic was out cold before the pilot said a word. 

***17 hours later***

"Vic wake up," I smiled. He had fallen back asleep after our layover and now we were in Australia. Ainsley had cried herself to sleep, so Vic carried her while I got our bags. "Do you recognize it yet?" I asked. 

"So I've been here?" he asked sleepily. 

I replied with a subtle "mm-hmm" and grabbed his free hand. "The bags will be delivered, let's go." We hailed a cab, and I passed the driver a note with our destination and a note that said "don't speak, it's a surprise." He nodded and began driving. I handed Vic the blindfold, and he put it on willingly. 

"This better be worth it all," he laughed and shook his head. 

"I promise it is," I grabbed his hand and intertwined my fingers with his. The taxi drove for another 20 minutes and the stopped in front of the Sydney Opera House. I untied Vic's blindfold and watched his jaw drop. 

"Jaime you didn't!" he yelled and jumped across the backseat into my arms.

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