Love Dies Like A Dog

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***Jaime's POV***

"Vic, where are you?" I sigh quietly into the phone. It's been hours since he'd responded to any texts, and this was the first of  10 calls that he had answered. 

"Hime, listen. I'm on my way home, and we need to talk when I get there. Just don't jump to conclusions, and we'll be fine. I love you," he mumbled before he ended the call. I sighed and nodded. 

"Love you, too," I whispered as I shrank back into the couch. 

"Daddy, let's go outside," Ainsley smiled as she turned from her coloring book. I put on a fake smile and followed her outside. She ran in the fallen leaves, kicking them into the air, as I sat on the porch watching. Hours passed before Vic's truck finally pulled into the driveway. He jumped out and grabbed Ainsley from the grass, spinning her in circles. 

"Did you miss Daddy?" he laughed, and she nodded. He held her on his hip as his passenger door opened and closed. "Sweetie, go play. Daddy and I need to talk, okay?"

"Okay. Who is she?" she asked quietly before Vic's eyes shot to me and then back down at his daughter. 

"My friend. You can meet her later, go play." Ainsley ran to the play house in the front yard, and Vic and the girl made their way to me. I watched the girl walk, the way her head hung low and her feet barely left the ground. I recognized her from somewhere, but where? "Hime, this is Rachel. Rachel, my husband, Jaime."

"I know him," she mumbled and waved to me slightly. How does she know me?

"Uh, come on in," I stuttered and led them inside. "Would you like something to drink?" I asked the small girl quietly. 

"No, thank you. Where's the bathroom, though?" I pointed her down the hall, and she followed my hand. When I heard the door shut, I turned to Vic. 

"Jaime, look-" he began. 

"Who the fuck is she? Where did she even come from?" I asked, trying to keep my voice low. "You told me you were going to be at the cabin alone trying to write. So where did she even come from, huh?"

"She's an old friend. I met her on a tour a long time ago. She called me up one night, and we hung out. Nothing more, I promise."

"Met her on tour?" I scoffed. I knew him all too well to know what that meant. I shook my head and laughed quietly. "Get her out of here. And you can follow her right out that door if what I'm thinking is correct."

"Jaime, you're doing it! You're jumping to conclusions!" he shouted. "Yes, a long time ago, that happened. But fuck, Jaime, I married you, and you still can't trust me? Fuck," he sighed and flopped on the couch as the girl returned to the living room.

***Vic's POV***

I fell onto the couch and sighed. I had just lied to Jaime's face, and it wasn't the first time, even since we got married. I didn't want to lie, but I didn't want to hurt him either. Rachel came back to the living room and sat beside me on the couch. 

"I can go if it's too much," she whispered to me, her eyes shooting to Jaime quickly. 

"No, you're staying here," I smiled and patted her leg softly. Jaime glared at me and raised an eyebrow. Rachel sighed and stood quietly. 

"I'm gonna go for a walk," she mumbled and shuffled out the front door. I watched her leave, and I stood. I looked from Jaime to the front door and sighed. I knew there would be consequences, but I took the first step to the door. 

"If you leave," he sniffled. "Don't come back." I wiped the tears and held back a sob before I walked out the front door. 

I caught up with Rachel halfway down our block. "Rach, wait up," I called out and she turned. In her tight jeans and baggy sweater with its hood up, she was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. I sighed and tried to shake the thoughts from my mind as I jogged to her side. 

"Why did you come after me?" she sighed. "That's your family, Vic. Don't throw it away for me. You love Jaime." 

"And I can't let you hurt yourself. If I have to give up love to save a life, I will. It's what my career is all about, Rachel." She looked at me and grabbed my hand softly. I smiled and turned to start walking to the nearest hotel.

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