But Not For You

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***Vic's POV***

"Alright, children, let's keep the PDA to a minimum!" I yelled and smacked Tony on the back of his head. Chad slipped out of his arms back to the ground, and we made our way into the water park. 

"Are we sticking together all day?" Mike asked, wrapping his arms tight around Gabii's waist. 

"We should split up in couples," Gabii giggled.

"Nobody has a phone, how are we supposed to meet up again?" Jaime asked.

"Then we'll all meet up when the clock strikes 4!" I suggested. 

"In couples?" Chad asked. "Well, alright, see you faggots in 3 hours!" she yelled and ran off hand in hand with Tony. Mike and Chad also walked away, leaving my new husband and I alone. 

"Let's go," Jaime giggled and grabbed my hand. I let him lead me around the park, just enjoying the smell of his cologne and the way his short hair blew in the wind. "This is a long line!" Jaime groaned when we stopped at the back of the line for a tall roller coaster. 

"What, are you nervous to be around me?" I joked and jumped up on the metal bars. Jaime smiled and stood between my legs, allowing me to run my fingers through his hair.

"Of course not, Vic," he mumbled. A while later, he giggled, "I love you."

"I love you, too," I smiled and jumped onto his back to move up farther in line. He carried me forward, and we went through the rest of the line that way, until we made it to the front. 

***Jaime's POV***

"That was amazing!" Vic yelled and giggled as he ran off the ride. I followed him and smiled, watching him run around like he was a little kid again. "You okay?" he asked me and grabbed my hand. 

"Feeling just a little sick," I sighed. "Where's the nearest bathroom?" I asked him. 

He pointed towards a blue building and asked, "do you want me to come with you?" 

"No, babe, I'll be fine, but the food court is that way. I'll meet you there," I mumbled and walked towards the bathrooms, and Vic walked towards the food and beverage stands.

When I felt better, I left the bathroom and walked towards the food stands, looking for Vic.

"Jaime? Hime is that you?" 

I turned around to find Alex coming towards me wearing the exact same yellow and zebra bikini I had bought her for our year anniversary before she ripped my heart out.

I turned to walk away, but she caught up to me and grabbed my arm. "Oh Jaime, don't be so melodramatic! It's been nearly two years and you're married now, does it still bother you?"

"You cheated on me Alex. Yes, it still bothers me, a lot." I yanked my arm away and kept walking towards the food stands, and I still didn't see Vic. 

"Jaime can we sit and talk?" she asked, pulling out a chair at the little white tables. I sighed, took one more look around for Vic, and sat down.

"OK, what?" I asked, trying to seem annoyed, but honestly, I was so happy to see her for the first time in so long. She had dyed her hair blond like I had always suggested, and it hung halfway down her back.

"Jaime, stop!" she sighed. "Don't hate me! I'm sorry, OK? I really am. Please just accept my apology." 

"Fine, OK, whatever," I sighed and sat back in my chair. 

"You've been working out?" she asked, her eyes locked on my stomach. I had forgotten about my shirtlessness, and now I felt self conscious. I covered my stomach with my arms and looked away.  "Jaime, you're doing it again. Talk to me!"

"I'm here with the guys, I just need to find them," I sighed. 

"I can drive you home?" she suggested. I stood up and shook my head. "Guess that's a no," she mumbled.

"Correct! Congratulations, you win a peek at my ass as I walk away," I said and turned to walk away. I felt another small hand wrap around my wrist, so I stopped. I turned back to her, but before I could speak, her lips were pressed on mine.

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