Can You Chase Away The Darkness

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***Jaime's POV***

I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs. Vic sat up and slammed his head on the bunk before holding me down. "Jaime, Jaime, baby what is it!!" he yelled. I grabbed his face and felt all around his face, being sure it was my Vic.

"Vic... Vic it's you!! VIC YOU'RE ALIVE!" I yelled before laughing hysterically and pulling him into the tightest hug I'd ever given to anyone before. "Oh God, you're alive baby!!!" I was sobbing roughly, choking on my own tears and excitement. "Vic, you were gone. You left me," I sobbed.

"Baby, I'm here. What are you talking about sweetie?" Vic asked in a soft voice that always calmed me down. I just laid my head on his shoulder and sobbed violently. After a while he spoke again, "Jaime, it was a just a dream."

"Yes, haha, it was just a dream!" I yelled and kissed him passionately. His lips. They were on mine, something I was convinced I'd never feel again. And needless to say, it was the best kiss I'd ever had. "Vic, I had a dream that you died, and I could never see you again, and you'd never be in my arms again!" I yelled before slamming my lips back onto his. About mid-kiss, our curtain swung open, and the guys and their girls were standing there.

"Um, you dudes wanna keep it down?" Tony grumbled through a sleepy voice. Vic shot him a murderous look and growled.

"Jaime had an awful nightmare, shut up!" he hissed. I held him tighter, too overwhelmed that I didn't have to let him go. I heard someone climb into our bunk, and then I felt a hand rubbing my back softly. Before I knew it there was another hand patting my thigh reassuringly. I assumed it would be the girls since they were always more understanding, but when I opened my eyes back, I saw Tony and Mike. Four grown men crammed into one tiny bunk. Any other day I would have been pissed and pushed them out, but after that terrible nightmare, I would never want them to leave my side again. I loved these guys with all I am.

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