Drown Me In The Flames

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sorry for the wait, guys i was in alaska ok so yes i am so sorry i hope the last chapter held you over!

**Jaime's POV**

Our first week in Australia was action packed fun, catching taxis from one destination to the next, always running and moving. Today we were supposed to see an opera in Sydney, but Vic decided he wanted to spend the day at the beach. I jumped up out of bed and smiled. 

"Up, little man." I grabbed the blanket and pulled it off of Vic's face. "Come on, dorkasaurus. It's almost noon."

"Yeah?" he grumbled. "Well then let's have some noon sex," he laughed sleepily and sat up in the bed."

"Vic, come on, stop," I smiled and played with his hair. "Later, I promise."

"Aw, you're no fun," he teased but got out of bed anyways. In 10 minutes, he was changed and ready to go. I had changed Ainsley into her little purple bathing suit, and we were out the door. 

"To the beach!" Vic instructed the taxi driver. It was a 15 minute from our hotel to the beach and as soon as we got there, Vic sprinted to the water. I paid the driver and followed my husband down the  mostly empty beach. I set up our towels and slipped my shoes off. Vic came back to our area and grabbed Ainsley. 

"Hey, booger bear, ready for your first beach swim?" he asked.

"Yes!" she screamed, and he smiled. Her talking was getting better now, but it still threw me off to see my baby girl talk in a conversation that made sense. 

"Let's go," I smiled and ran behind Vic to the edge of the water. He put Ainsley down and she flopped right to her butt. "Oh, don't act like you can't walk missy," I smiled and poked her tummy. When the water came in, she giggled and splashed her hands in it. 

"Come on," Vic called, now about 10 feet away from us. His feet were barely covered in water where he was. "Ains, come to daddy."

I watched as my little girl found her way to her feet slowly and waddled towards my husband. Before she could reach him, she fell into the water and splashed around some more. I laughed and walked to Vic. I kissed him softly and smiled wider. 

"Love you," he beamed and slipped his fingers into mine. We stood there watching Ainsley splash in the water as a woman made her way to us. 

"Hello," she said quietly. 

"Hi, can we help you?" Vic asked. 

"Yes, by taking this child to a home where it can have both a mother and a father. This sweet little girl needs a mother," she sighed and looked down at Ainsley. 

"Excuse me, lady, but our daughter is doing fine with two fathers. And you don't know anything about our family," I growled at her.

"Family?" she scoffed. "A family requires a mother. How did you even come about this child, stealing her a presume?" She lifted her chin as if to look down on us. I glared at her, ready to strike.

Vic grabbed my hand tighter when he felt me tense up. "I am her father biologically."

"Then be with her mother!" she said, almost begging now. "Recognize this mistake you've made and repent, son!" 

"Listen lady," I began, but Vic cut me off again.

"Her mother is dead, and what I have with my husband is no mistake, lady. You better be off to your bingo game now, don't you think?" He took one step closer to her, but she didn't back down that easily. 

"Well I'm sure that poor woman would be so ashamed of what you did in the wake of her death. Burn in hell, sinner." She turned on her heels and stomped back off down the beach. I sighed and shook my head. I picked up Ainsley and turned back to Vic. 

"Vic, why are you crying?" I asked and hugged him as close as I could with Ains in my arms. 

"I just, I can't believe people are so hateful," he shook his head and pulled away. 

"That's not all, is it?" I asked quietly. "It's about her."

"I just can't believe she did this, she was so selfish as to kill herself with a baby. And me, what about me?" He swallowed hard and shook his head. "Don't ruin Ainsley's day, stay here. I'm going back to the hotel." Before I could say anything, he had his shirt back on and he was heading to the street to hail a cab. 

I set my daughter back in the water and watched Vic climb into a taxi. "Ains, daddy didn't say he loves us," I sighed and held back the tears.

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