Just Your Average Boy

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***Jaime's POV***

Vic was still out of it for our last two days in Australia. I didn't get mad, though, because I knew he was trying. Sometimes when he looked at Ainsley, you could see the pain flash across his face, but then he would struggle to plaster that smile on for us. We were on our way back home now, and he had been writing lyrics the whole way so far. 

"Mind if I read it?" I asked and nudged his leg. 

"They aren't that good," he mumbled and slid his arm to cover them. I knew that meant he was digging deep into his emotions for this one. I nodded and swallowed hard. I know he didn't mean to hurt me this way, but the way he could build up this wall around himself was really starting to get to me. Like he had stopped loving me all of a sudden. 


The plane landed, and by the time we got all our luggage, Mike was there to pick us up. "How was the trip?" he asked Vic and helped get Ains into the car. 

"Great," I answered before the silence could get too awkward. I'm not even sure Vic was listening anymore. I walked around to let Mike in on the fact that Vic wasn't much up for talking, but I could almost sense that he wasn't either. 

Vic got in the front with Mike, leaving me in the back with Ainsley. I grabbed her little hand and watched her laugh quietly while she chewed on the other one. I listened an could vaguely make out a conversation between Mike and Vic.

"Guys, uh, the house is a bit of a mess," Mike apologized quietly. He sounded like he wanted to continue, but didn't."

"Yeah, that's no big deal, bro," Vic shrugged it off and let his eyes wander out the window.

I let the question burn on the tip of my tongue, scared that I already knew the answer, I rephrased in my head until I found a way to indirectly ask. "Gabii didn't make you clean while we were gone?"

"For the first week," he nodded as we pulled out of the airport and onto the interstate. "She, uh, she's gone to stay with her mom. We-" he sighed and the car accelerated with his anger. "We broke up." This brought Vic back from his trance of out-the-window staring. 

"Dude, I'm so sorry," he sighed and turned to face Mike a little more. "I know you loved her, I'm so sorry." I watched Vic, and knew then that what he showed was empathy, not sympathy, because he too had lost a girl he loved. I sighed and tried to drown out their conversation, focus on Ainsley. 

Staring at my little angel, I let my mind wander. Her smile only reminded me of the innocence of a two year old, how she didn't understand that our family was struggling day to day to find our balance. Before I knew it, we were home and out the car. I took Ainsley up stairs and laid her down for a nap. I sat on the bed and sighed. 

"Knock, knock," Vic mumbled at the door. 

"Come on in," I smiled half-heartedly and patted the bed beside me. 

"I just wanted to apologize, about this week and all," he mumbled. "I know you meant to make this as special an anniversary as possible, and it was," he swallowed hard, and I all of a sudden realized what had been the problem all along. "I just- Our anniversary is the day Cara-" he sighed and covered his face. 

"Fuck," I shook my head and did all I could figure to do. I pulled him as close to me as possible and let him cry into my chest. And for once, I wasn't hurt by his missing her. I just let him cry until he could cry no longer.

***Vic's POV***

I pulled from Jaime's chest and sighed. "I got your shirt wet," I groaned and sighed. 

"That's the least of my worries right now, Vic," he chuckled. "What I'm most concerned about is you, babe. I'm so sorry that it still hurts you. Just know that it wasn't your fault or mine or ours. We couldn't have stopped her, we didn't know what she was going to do." He kept talking, but I tuned him out. Finally my brain shifted from Cara to Jaime. Now, back home in our bed, with him comforting me from all the demons, all I could think about was loving him forever. 

"Jaime, please quit talking," I interrupted him and he frowned.

"Vic, I just want you to know tha-" I didn't let him finish his sentence before I kissed him to shut him up. I just wanted to be close to him again, in his arms, connected as one.


Jaime laid beside me in bed, huffing loudly, catching his breath still. I was still clenching the blankets tight in my hands. "Wow," was all I could manage to say. He laughed quietly and rolled over on top of me. 

"I love you," he mumbled just before pressing his lips to mine. "So much." I smiled and felt myself blushing wildly. I burried my face in his bare chest and ran my hands around his body. 

"You need a shower," I laughed, wiping his body sweat from my hands. 

"Only if you come in with me," he said, and it was like we were newly in love again, because just the thought if it made me bite my lip. I smiled and was out of the bed before he could get up. 

"Last one there gets it up the ass," I laughed and heard him jump from the bed.

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