If Love Is A Way Out Then Please Let Me In

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***Jaime's POV***

I thrust as fast as I could, watching Alex flail beneath me in pleasure. Just a few more thrusts, and we were both on our backs, gasping for air and covered in sweat. 

"OH! Oh Jaime! I missed how rough you are," she laughed and rolled over so that her head was on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her like I had so long ago. I held her close and knew that she was rhythmically counting my heartbeat like she always did after sex.

"I missed you. Period," I smiled and watched the memories play again in my head. 

"What about Vic, though?" she asked quietly, tracing little shapes on my bare chest with her fingers. I bit my lip and thought for a while. I tried to be fair here and not make my decision based on sex, but I couldn't quit thinking about what had just happened. 

"Let's not think about that now," I sighed and sat up against the pillows. "Dinner?" I asked and pressed my lips to hers gently. Immediately our lips were moving in synchronization, moving together like they hadn't been apart for 2 years, but 2 minutes. 

She pulled away slowly and smiled. "Same old Italian?" she asked, already knowing I had missed her great Italian food.

***Vic's POV***

I met back up with Mike, Gabii, Tony, and Chad right when we had planned. "I can't find Jaime!" I yelled, clearly panicked. "He went to the bathroom because he felt sick, and then he never came back! Oh God, where is he?" I held my head in my hands.

"Okay, okay, relax! We'll find him, just relax," Mike said and paced around. "Maybe we could get that voice thing to call for him? The um..um.."

"Intercom, babe," Gabii mumbled and grabbed his hand to relax him a bit. 

"That! Okay, maybe we could do that. Let's go," Mike said. "All of us. No more getting lost.." he mumbled. We all walked toward the front of the theme park, checking everywhere for Jaime, calling his name as loud as we could.

Jaime Preciado, your family is looking for you. Jaime Preciado, please come to the ticket desk. 

"Do you think he heard??" I asked. "Say it again!"

"Sir, I can't," the lady sighed and slouched back in her chair. 

We waited for Jaime for almost half an hour. He never showed up. 

"He's gone, oh my god. Call the police, please!" I yelled and grabbed my brother. "Mike, he cannot be gone!"

"Calm down, Vic!" he yelled and slapped my head. "Tony, call 911."

Tony nodded, and he and Chad walked to the car to get his phone. A few minutes later, Tony came back, angry and out of breathe. "They said there's no way we can report him missing until 12 hours has passed since his disappearance."

"What?? But he could be dead by then!" I yelled. "Shit.." I mumbled and fell down to the ground, already crying uncontrollably.

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