Who Wouldn't You Let You Be All About Me?

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****Vic's POV****

"Alright, yeah, we're leaving now," I said as I ended the call with Chad. I looked over at Jaime and reached for his hand.

"She wants us there," Jaime said, almost questioningly. "Why us, though? Tony needs to be there, he's the father. Not you or I."

I nodded knowing it was silly for us to go with Chad to get her first ultrasound. I sighed and stood up. Mike and Gabii were at our home to watch Ainsley while we were gone. I kissed my lovely child's head.

Jaime and I walked out holding hands. He opened the passenger door for me. I kissed him softly and got into the dark red Porshe.

He walked around and got into the driver's seat. He drove towards XDI Ultrasound Clinic. We jammed to our favorite band, We Came As Romans, and laughed at ourselves. We arrived at the clinic, and Jaime pointed to Chad sitting on a bench, tracing her stomach.

"Hey sexy lady!" I said when I stepped out of the car.

She looked up from her tummy and smiled faintly. "Hey guys, thanks for coming."

We walked in and waited patiently in silence.

"Mrs. Perry?" a nurse said in a high voice with a smile across her face. Chad looked over at us quickly, looking guitly.

"Chad Perry?" the nurse repeated looking around the room. Chad stood up, and Jaime and I followed her to the back room.

"What the heck, Chad? Perry?" I asked in a questioning whisper. "Look, if you and Tony got married, in some sick Vegas style wedding, that's cool but can't you at least tell us?"

She turned around and raised her voice higher than mine but not loud enough for the nurse to hear, "Victor, will you shut up?! OK I don't need to be viewed as just another slut knocked up by a rockstar. So I just said my name was Perry.. Now it's like we're married, so I'm properly knocked up." She turned away and kept following the nurse.

When we arrived to the door of the room, the nurse asked us to stay out so that Chad could get into her hospital gown.

I looked at Jaime and sighed, "this is way out of wack baby." Chad and Tony are falling over the edge of insanity or something."

He nodded and pulled me into a tight hug. "I dont know, Vic. They're stressed out about parenthood, give them time." The nurse opened the door, and we walked in and took the seats by the door. The nurse revealed Chad's belly and spread the jel across her. After a few minutes, a small jelly-bean-shaped fetus appeared on the Ultrasound screen.

I smiled and held Jaime closer. He looked over to Chad and my eyes followed. I looked just in time to see a glistening tear roll down her cheek. There was a huge smile on her face. I leaned my head on Jaime's shoulder and giggled. He kissed my forehead and whispered, "I love you, Vic. I love Ainsley. I love everything in my life. Nothing can go wrong."

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