You're The One Who Shot Me

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***Chad's POV***

Jaime ran back inside just as Vic pulled away. I thought to chase Vic, try to talk him into not leaving, but he was gone. I sank down on the porch steps and leaned my head against the stone sides. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. 

Tony: Come upstairs, I miss you.

I sighed and grabbed a small pebble for beside the door; I threw it up and hit my window. A few seconds later, Tony leaned his head out the window, and I motioned for him to come down. 

"Hey, beautiful," he smiled and sat beside me, still in his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pajama pants. "Why are you out here so early?"

"Vic is gone," I sighed. "He left," and for the first time, Tony looked up and noticed the ruined sports car in our driveway. "Alex." That explained everything he needed to know.

"Where do you think he went?" he asked, pulling me up into his lap, so that my head was rested just on his chest, so that I could hear his slow heartbeat. 

"No clue," I sighed and lifted my head slowly so that our lips lined up. "Where did Jaime go?" I asked, feeling a small throb grow into a pounding headache. 

"Bathroom," Tony answered, nonchalantly, and then it hit him that that was the worst place Jaime could be right now. I jumped out of Tony's lap and ran upstairs as fast as I possibly could. 

"Jaime, get out of that bathroom!" 

***Vic's POV***

I drove down the highway as fast as I could, tears streaming down my face, with the windows down to clear my mind of everything. I hadn't driven this car since Cara left, and the smell of her perfume still filled the truck. Her CDs were still all in the middle console, her favorite purse was still in the passenger floor, even her car charger was still in here.

"Cara, what do I do!" I yelled and banged my hand on the steering wheel. I turned sharply down a small dirt road and slowed down drastically. I stopped in the familiar spot of worn grass on the road right where Cara had grown up. Her parents never left this road, and she brought me here so often I almost felt like I had grown up here, too. 

I jumped from the truck and felt a whole new wave of tears erupt, not for Jaime, but for Cara. I knelt down at her tombstone, which read Cara Crawford, Gone Too Soon. Before she left, she made me promise that I would have her buried on her home street. Even though we weren't together when she died, I still felt that it was my responsibility to have her happy this last time. I leaned against the tombstone and let out very emotion I felt. 

Pain. Anger. Frustration. Loss. Love. More pain.

"Cara, help me. Please, what do I do?" I sobbed. I fell onto my back and stared up at the clouds like Cara and I would always do, and she would rest her hand on my chest and say Vic, that heart, do you see that? It's a sign. Because to someone else, that may just be a circle. You and I got the perfect angle for a heart.

As I faded away from the memories, I opened my eyes again just in time to see three clouds roll by. That's when I noticed what they were. The clouds were shaped just like the letters, AVF.

Ainsley Victoria Fuentes,

I jumped up from the ground and smiled. "You always have the answers, Cara!" I yelled and ran back to my truck, and then I remembered the flowers. I grabbed the bouquet from the backseat and laid it on her grave. "I swear it's not a cheap bouquet," I said and almost laughed, until I realized that I was talking to my dead ex girlfriend. I sighed and got back in the car, driving as quickly as legally allowed to the home of Jack Fowler.

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