My Love For You Was Bulletproof

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  • Dedicated to Emma, my favorite slutbag.

***Jaime's POV***

What day is it? How long have I been in bed? Was it a dream? Is he really gone? I rolled over. The clock read 10:30.

"Vic...." I called out as I crawled down the stairs to the kitchen. I knew there would be no response, but I had to try. I finally stood up and looked in the refrigerator. Nothing. Well, no. There was food, but it had all expired. I sighed and sat back down.

It must have been days since I've been up. I hope Vic is having fun with his new man.. I was doubled over in sobs on my kitchen floor. "Vic, come back!" I yelled out between sobs. I heard my phone ringing from living room. How is it not dead my now??

I crawled out there and grabbed it. "Hello.." I mumbled softly, only wanting to cry. A soft voice that I recognized spoke up.

"Hello, Jaime, you doing okay?" Chad whispered. "How are you holding up? Want Tony and I to come over?"

I began crying again and sobbed out, "no, chad, I'm not okay! I'll never be okay without him.." I trailed off.

"Jaime, okay, I understand. But I swear, it will get easier with time.. Look, Tony and I are going to come get you. We'll all go out, get you a new man!" I shook my head, but before I could say no, she hung up the phone.

I didn't try to prepare myself for the outside world, I just stayed on the floor and cried.

***Chad's POV***

My best friend Gretchen arrived at our house to babysit Tyler for the night. I kissed my baby boy's head and walked out to Tony's car. When we got to Jaime's apartment, we parked outside. I looked over at Tony, and he pulled me over into his lap. I laid my head on his shoulder and sighed. "Will he be okay, ever?" Tony just shook his head and kissed my head.

"Someday, baby," he explained, "someday in time."

We got out the car and walked up the stairs. I grabbed Tony's hand and knocked on the door. No answer. Tony pushed right in and pulled me in behind him. I sighed when we found Jaime crying on the floor.

"No, man, get the fuck up!" Tony yelled, pulling Jaime into a sitting position. "You get the fuck up, you get dressed, and we're going out!"

"Tony, calm down.." I whispered, pulling him away from his friend. He huffed and stepped away. "What's gotten into you?" I scolded in a soft voice. Jaime finally stood up and waddled upstairs.

"I'm not gonna spend my night with his moping ass, I don't need his shit. It's not the fucking end of the world.." he mumbled. I nodded and hugged him close to me.

Jaime came back downstairs a few minutes later, dressed well but still not happy. I walked over and hugged him. "Jaime, smile, okay? Time heals."

He nodded and looked over at a portrait of he and Vic. His eyes teared up, but for probably the first time in a week, he didn't dare let them spill over. He grabbed my hand and put on a smile. A fake smile, but a smile nonetheless.

****Vic's POV****

Emma let out one last scream before falling off of me. I smiled and watched her moan softly to herself. I kissed all over her neck and smiled. "Vic, I love you."

"I know.. So make me dinner," I commanded. She smiled and put her bra and panties back on before running to the kitchen. I sat up in bed and looked around. Her apartment is set up the same as Jaime's except hers is only one floor, not two.

I slid on my boxers and followed her. "Em, I leave for tour in 3 days. You should come with me."

She turned around from the stove and smiled. "YES!" she shouted before throwing her arms around my neck. I smiled and kissed her lips softly. She only stands 5'3", my first girlfriend that is actually shorter than me. She turned back around and began making grilled cheese sandwiches. I wrapped my arms around her waist and nibbled on her ear.

"Vic, your phone.." she mumbled. I hadn't heard it ringing until she said something. I let go of her slowly and ran back to our bedroom.


I shook my head and sighed. He'd been calling every day for a week, scolding me every time for leaving Jaime with no explanation. I cleared my throat and answered.

"Mike, I'm not doing this anymore. It's none of your business who I'm with," I yelled.

He laughed and scoffed a little, "Vic, don't give me that shit. I don't even want to know for Jaime's sake. I'm your fucking brother, shit. Don't I deserve to know that you're safe?"

"No, Mike, you're my YOUNGER brother. You don't need to fucking protect me. I'm a grown man, I may be little, but I'm grown," I shouted before ending the call. I turned around to go back to the kitchen and bumped into Emma. "Oh, hey baby."

"They're gonna hate me."

"No, baby, they wont. And I don't fucking care, because I love you, so they'll deal," I told her firmly. She fell into my arms, and I wrapped her in tight. "Come on, let's go eat."

She intertwined our fingers and guided me back to the kitchen. "I only made one before I came to check on you.." she mumbled. I smiled and took a bite from the grilled cheese.

"Mmmm, best I've ever had," I giggled and kissed her cheek. She ran back to the living room. so I followed her. I sat in her lap and kissed her lips passionately. "You'll really come on tour with me?"

"Of course, Vic. I couldn't stand being separated from you for months," she mumbled into my chest. It sounded like she was about to cry, so I stood up and picked her up gently. She wrapped her legs around my waist and traced softly down my neck with her lips. 

~~~~~3 muddahfawkin days later~~~~

I woke up at 6 AM, packing frantically. I wanted to let Em sleep in for the last day she'd be spending at home. I had to pack her bags, and that was confusing. I never had to pack for Cara, she was super secretive about her things, understandable now. I sang quietly while I packed Emma's clothes into her favorite suitcase.

I guess I was singing louder than I thought because when I walked over to her nightstand to grab her glasses, she rolled over and kissed my cheek. I smiled and pressed my lips to hers. "Good morning, sleeping beauty," I whispered.

She just smiled and rolled back over on her side. I laughed and smacked her butt. "Wow, can't even help me pack?" I asked through chuckles. She rolled back over and stood up. I had forgotten she'd be naked, and that made me choke up a little. Her body was ten times greater than Cara's. She was so fit due to all the soccer she played.

"Like what you see?" she asked, snapping me back to reality. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Don't get all cocky.." I mumbled. She went across the hall to the bathroom and came back in a pair of shorts and my Tonight Alive hoodie. Jaime loved wearing that hoodie..

We finished packing up our things, and I carried our bags outside and to the car. "Em, come on, we have to get to my parents' house to catch this bus!" I called back to her.

She ran outside and hopped on my back. I smiled and dropped her in passenger seat and ran around to the driver's.

****Jaime's POV****

The bus stopped in front of the Fuentes household. I knew this is where we'd be picking up Vic and his knew man, so I grabbed Brendon, my new boyfriend from the club, and pulled him in for a kiss. His tongue was basically down my throat when Vic ran onto the bus.

I peeked through one eye while still locking lips with Brendon to see Vic and some girl prance onto the bus holding hands. What?! Who is SHE? Vic's gay! And what the hell is she doing in MY Tonight Alive hoodie!?

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