Slide Into Bed While I Get Drunk

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***Jaime's POV***

I made my way up the stairs to Ainsley's doorway. Vic sat on the floor by her bed and held her little hand while she slept. I cleared my throat and waited for him to look up. "You should probably go now," I said quietly into the dark room. 

"Yeah, I'm going," he sighed, stood to his feet, and shuffled past me and down the hall. I followed behind him down the stairs and to the kitchen to get his wallet and phone. He looked at me as I leaned against the counters, and he sighed. "So this is it?"

"Vic, I just need time," I shook my head and looked away. The silence flooded the room before he nodded and walked quietly to the door. 

"Goodnight, Jaime," he called as he walked to his car. "I love you."

I laughed quietly and waved. "Goodnight, Vic." I shut and locked the door before running upstairs and flopping in bed. 

***Vic's POV***

I drove home quietly and slowly. I didn't bother turning any lights on when I went inside; I threw my keys done on the counter and went back to the bedroom. I flipped on the light and smiled for a second. "Rach, you're home."

"I live here, Vic," she sighed and pulled the blanket over her face.

"Oh, sorry," I said and flipped the light back off. I felt my way to the bed and climbed in slowly. 

"What are you doing?" she growled and snatched away from me.

"Getting in bed?" I asked quietly and pulled the string on my lamp. It didn't produce much light, but enough that I could see her face of disgust.  

"Vic, we are not sleeping together! You're still wearing that, and where have you been for 8 hours?"

"With my daughter!" I yelled and got out of the bed. "And here-" I snatched the ring from my finger and dropped it to the floor. "Jaime wants a divorce, are you happy Rachel?" I left the room and slammed the door. I didn't want her to come out and see my crying so I kept walking, not grabbing my keys, just walking, outside, down the street, all the way into town before I stopped.

***Jaime's POV***

The next day, when I got up, Ainsley had beat me up, and she was already downstairs playing with her toys. I smiled and squatted beside her. "Hello, sweetie," I smiled and kissed her head. 

"Why is daddy not here? He was here last night. Did he go to work?" she asked quietly, still more interested in her toys than our conversation. I thought about whether to lie or be honest. I chose honest.

"Sweetie, sometimes, when daddies both want different things, they get in fights. That means that your daddy is going to go away for a couple days," I paused and shook my head. "He'll be home soon, though."

"Do mommies fight this way too?" she asked and finally looked away from her toys. 

"Yes, baby girl, all parents fight like this," I laughed and picked her up on my hip. "But besides that, how about you and I go to the park?" I smiled and watched her eyes light up. I took that as a yes and took her upstairs to dress. 

When we were ready to go I loaded her into her car seat and jumped in the front seat. "Ready, baby girl?" I asked and she responded with "Yeah!" I laughed and drove to the park slowly, playing Mayday Parade because Ainsley loved them. 

"Daddy!" Ainsley yelled. I looked back in the rear view mirror and smiled.

"Yeah kiddo?" 

"No, daddy! Out there!" she said, pointing out her window. I turned my head and looked out just in time to see us passing Vic, wearing the same outfit he was wearing when he left last night. I stopped in the road and made a U-turn, since we were the only car on this back road. I stopped the car beside Vic and waited for him to look up.

He looked up, eyes swollen and red, and looked back down. I rolled the window down and sighed. "Vic, why are you walking?" I asked loudly. 

"Keep driving, Jaime," he called without looking up. 

"Vic, just get in. I can drive you where you're going. You can come to the park with Ainsley and I?" I asked louder. I drove slowly matching his walking pace until he finally stopped and sighed. He walked over and snatched the door open. 

He whispered so that only I could here, "I'm doing this for her." The words rang through me and echoed as I drove blankly to the park. When I parked the car, Ainsley let herself out of her car seat and the SUV and ran to the swing set. I looked over at Vic and sighed. 

"So this is it?" I mumbled, the words hitting me again like a ton of bricks. Words make it too real.

"Jaime, I don't want to talk about this. You do what you need to do."

"That's what's wrong, Vic!" I screamed and slammed my hands on the steering wheel. "That's it! You don't understand marriage. You think it just means fucking each other, but you're wrong. It means coming together on everything! And you just make these decisions and you don't ask me, and you expect me to do these things too!" I rested my head and held back the tears with all my strength.

"Jaime, I'm sorry," he said, and his voice cracked. I couldn't bring myself to look at him. "My opinion doesn't matter. Only this fact. I cannot live without you," he sniffled and opened his door. "I love you, a lot," he mumbled. He got out and followed our daughter to the playground to play with her.

I sat in the car for a while after, just letting my thoughts run wild. Before I knew it, I was out of the car, walking as fast as I could to the playground. I grabbed Vic, spun him around, and slammed my lips to his. I gripped his hips tight and felt his body grinding against mine as our lips danced. I pulled away just long enough to mumble, "I fucking love you."

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