We're Gonna Change The World

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***Jaime's POV***

"Do you have to go?" I asked quietly, holding his hand tight as we walked down the stairs together. "Can you wait just another day?"

"No," he sighed and stopped at the bottom step. "It'll be two weeks, tops, and you can call anytime you want."

"But I can't see you, Vic," I explained and grabbed his other hand softly. I sighed and rested my forehead on his. "I love you, Victor." I closed my eyes and pulled him closer by his hips. 

"Jaime, you'll be okay," he whispered and pressed his lips to mine. "Just two weeks, and I'll be home."

I smiled and let him go slowly. "Be safe," I mumbled and walked to the door, where I stopped and he continued out to the car. "Don't come back without a good song."

"Don't plan on it," he laughed and climbed into his truck. And I didn't see or talk to him again for another three weeks.

**Vic's POV**

I made the two hour drive to Big Bear in silence, just me and my thoughts. I tried to think of anything but the obvious. Anything by the wrong feelings with Jaime and I. I pulled up at the lodge parking lot and made the hike up to my cabin. I had never been here without a writing buddy, but I knew for sure this week was not about writing. 

I threw my bag down by the front door of the cabin and flopped on the couch. I had been here with Jaime the last time, and we had made love right here on this couch. I sighed and held my head in my hands. 

"Fuck!" I screamed and slammed my foot. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I stood and walked to the kitchen. I made myself a glass of water and drank it while staring out the window into the woods. I dropped the glass into the sink and walked back to my phone. I grabbed it and scrolled through the contacts. 

I wasn't sure which name I wanted to choose, so I texted three old girl toys I had hooked up with on tour. Rachel, a spunky blonde who hadn't been much for talking. She was a girl who knew what she wanted, got it, and left. Nothing more nothing less. Then Caroline, the pixie haired little one who had always fucked for self esteem, the same way she had to be high for everything she did. And last, but certainly not least, Mia, my little Hispanic lover who had always been about getting as dirty as she could. 

I liked them all for this job, just a quick thing to get my mind off of it all. Mia text back quickly, saying she was busy at the moment, but would be here by night. Then it was Rachel, who said she would stop it for a visit in a few hours. And Caroline never did respond. It scared me to think about Caroline not responding, not letting me know she's okay. I hoped she was, she never kept up with herself. 

I changed from my shorts and tank top to jeans and a Key Street shirt I had taken from Tony. I grabbed my phone and wallet and made the mile trip back through the woods. I got back in my truck and drove to the closest gas station to pick up cases of beer, and when I got back in the car, I checked my phone. 

 Jaime: Ains woke up missing her daddy. Love you xx

I sighed and dropped my phone into the back seat and swallowed hard. I drove mindlessly back to the lodge and tried not to think about Ainsley. I had come to terms with Jaime and I falling apart. But I couldn't bare letting Ainsley down. Not right now. I punched the steering wheel and stepped on the gas harder, pushing the car to 80. 

I grabbed the 4 cases of Miller and marched on through the woods. When I could see my lodge, I saw a small person peering through the windows. I jumped off the path and squatted behind a tree. I put the cases down with as little noise as possible and sighed. Fan girls had found my lodge??

"V-Vic," the voice called and it was filled with sorrow. I stood and looked into the person's face, buried deep in their large hood. I took a few steps and the voice called again. "Vic, help me," she begged. I walked faster now towards the voice. 

"Caroline," I realized and grabbed her arm and sighed. "How did you get here so fast?"

"They're here, Vic!" she screamed and beat on my chest. I nodded and led her inside the cabin. "Vic, no, they're right there!" she screamed and tried to escape out the front door. I held her by the waist and shook my head. I pinned her to the couch and waited for her to give up.

"Do you know where you are?"

"Vic, baby, hi," she giggled and played with my hair. "Sorry about that, I was trippin, huh?"

"Hard. What is it?" I asked and laid on the floor on my back. She straddled my hips and smiled. 

"Microdots, bought 'em from some high school kid," she laughed and pulled a small bag from the pocket of her small shorts. "Open wide?" she said quietly. 

"You know I don't do that stuff," I shook my head, but she pulled out her secret weapon, a little cleavage and her puppy dog eyes, and I stuck my tongue out. She placed the small pills on my tongue, and I swallowed quickly so I didn't have to taste them too much.

Before she could even move off of me, colors flew everywhere and things began moving too slowly.


I woke up the next day, freezing cold on the hardwood floor of the kitchen. I rolled over onto my stomach and pushed up onto my feet. My head spun rapidly as I stumbled around the cabin. 

"Victor," Mia giggled when I walked around the corner. She grabbed me and slammed her lips to mine, but I didn't kiss her back. Not because I didn't want to, but because she tasted of beer and puke. I sighed and pushed her back onto the couch, where she rolled on the blankets and felt herself all over. 

I wandered what drugs Caroline must have given her while I kept looking for the other girls. I found a note at the bottom of the stairs to the only bedroom. I picked it up and waited for my eyes to focus on the small, quick letters. 

Vic, thanks for the night, but even you can't keep the demons at bay for long. See you on the other side. Rachel. PS- Don't call my m-

And from there, I couldn't read it because tears had smeared all the letters. I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head. No. No. Not again. I will not lose anyone again. I crumbled the letter in my hand and ran upstairs.

I opened the bathroom, where I found Caroline with her head in the toilet, but no Rachel. I pulled Caroline back and rested her on the floor, but didn't stay to help more. I opened the door across the hall and went into the bedroom. Clothes were thrown everywhere, and I couldn't figure out why, because we all had clothes on now.

"Rach?" I yelled. I turned the television off and let silence flood the room. I could here faint sobbing. I ripped open the closet door and found Rachel on a pile of clothes, bleeding from every limb. "Rachel, get up," I sighed and pulled her out. 

"Let me go!" she screeched. She grabbed at the doors and kicked in every direction. I pulled her onto the bed and felt the tears stinging at my eyes. "Vic, please," she cried, but gave up fighting, returning to violent sobs.

I grabbed shirts from the closet and wrapped them around her cuts. The blood poured from her arms, legs, stomach, shoulders, hips. It didn't stop. I wiped my eyes and kept wrapping the wounds. "Rachel, look at me, you're going to be okay. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and with the last battery power, I called 911.

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