Chapter Forty Nine

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Thomas sat at the desk chair, John perched on the dresser hugging his knees and Alex sat cross-legged on his bed, holding a pillow. John avoided both of his crushes' eyes.

Thomas cleared his throat and turned to Alex's desk, sorting out various papers and shuffling them into neat piles. Alex made a strangled noise as he thought about rearranging them later and then another when he considered how little work he'd gotten done since the storm.

John half-chuckled as he saw Alex's thought process play out on his face. He finally broke the silence. "Shall I go first?" he asked.

Thomas waved a hand in front of him invitingly. "Be my guest," he confirmed.

Alex corrected with a smirk, "Be our guest." Thomas glared at him playfully when he referenced his favorite Disney movie and John snickered. Alex sent him a grin.

John cleared his throat and began. "Well, you both sorta have an understanding of how I feel. I mean, I told you that I was in love with both of you and my feelings have only gotten stronger since then," he admitted.

Thomas smiled. "I have to confess that my feelings have developed from only platonic over the past two days," he started.

"Saying it was the last eight chapters makes it sound like longer than it was," John muttered under his breath, Alex and Thomas choosing to ignore his strange remark as they often did these days.

Thomas continued, "And although I can't be certain of Alex's feelings without his saying, I at least, would like very much for you to join our relationship." John smiled at him gently.

Alex took a deep breath. "I've been less obvious with my affections, dear (autocorrected to dead, how right it was) Laurens, but you must know that I adore you. I am tired of pretending that I do not and I too wish to pursue a courtship with you," he told him.

John and Thomas both blinked. "Okay, and in modern English?" Thomas joked.

Alex sighed. "I haven't been as obvious about it, but I love John too and I'm tired of pretending I'm not. I'd be more than happy to let him join our relationship," he explained. Thomas nodded.

John shifted uncomfortably. "So what now?" he asked quietly. Thomas and Alex exchanged a look. 

"Well, I guess now we ask you to go out with us," Alex said slowly. "If that's what you want of course." 

John looked at the ground. "I don't know," he admitted. Thomas choked on his breath and Alex squeezed his pillow tighter. John rushed to reassure them. "Don't worry, I still want you guys! I just don't know how to have both of you at the same time."

Alex nodded slowly, his face returning to its normal color. "It's new to both of us as well," he assured John. "Why don't we figure it out together?" 

John agreed silently. Thomas stood up from Alex's desk and made his way over to John. "May I?" he asked, holding his arms out. 

John slipped off of the desk and into Thomas's arms, relaxing once he was back in the familiar protective circle. Alex whined, suddenly back to his normal, needy self and John laughed, dragging Thomas over to the bed, falling next to Alex.

Alex lay there for a moment, staring into his new boyfriend's eyes. Thomas cleared his throat from behind John and the sixteen-year-olds both turned to face him. 

"Yes?" Alex asked, amusement apparent in his voice. John quirked an eyebrow and Thomas whimpered. John chuckled and pulled him close, hugging him. 

Alex snuggled into John's back. "This is nice," he sighed. John nodded with a contented sigh and Thomas just rested his head against the younger boy's stomach.  

John sat up, drawing complaining noises out of his boyfriends. Heh. Boyfriends. That was a nice word. "I don't think we should change," he told them. 

Thomas sat up too, looking at him questioningly. "How'd you mean?" he asked. 

John explained, "We had a good thing going on before we started this-" he gestured between the three of them "-and I don't think we should change it too much. We were already affectionate as fuck and I don't want things to go awkward now that we're together."

Alex snorted as he moved into an upright position similar to his partners. "'Affectionate as fuck'? You've always been so eloquent Jacky," he teased. 

John whined, "Tommy, Alex is being meaaaan." Thomas sent Alex a playful glare.

"Don't be mean to the child Alex," he scolded lightly. John pouted and started to get up. "Wait, where are you going?"

John stuck his tongue out at him. "Peggy won't be mean to me," he told them. Alex snorted and held his arms out for a hug. John hesitated before giving in and moving back to the bed. 

"Haha, you can't resist me," Alex teased.

John looked at him like he'd grown a second head. "Of course I can't dipshit. Why do you think I'm dating you?" he asked. 

Alex gasped, offended. "I thought you were dating me because you actually cared for me," he accused. John laughed and pulled him closer. 

"Love you, you dork," he told him. Thomas cleared his throat. "Love you too, Dork 2.0."

Alex chuckled and reached for Thomas, whining when John let him go. Thomas rolled his eyes and wriggled across the bed to his boyfriends, wrapping them both into his arms. 

"You're so needy Lex," John said, amused. Alex stuck his tongue out at him. "And childish," he added. 

Alex pouted at Thomas who shrugged. "He's right," he pointed out. "Though he did leave out beautiful."

"And clever," John added.

Thomas squeezed his waist and Alex purred, rubbing against his chest, obviously mollified by their compliments. John raked his fingers through Alex's hair and the boy arched into the touch. 

"I'm glad we had this chat," Thomas murmured, resting a hand on John's head. The latter nodded his agreement and Alex hummed sleepily, the caffeine in his system wearing off even quicker than the first shot. 

John rolled his eyes and lay down. Alex settled on his chest with a satisfied hum and Thomas curled up against his side. "Go to sleep you sleep-deprived idiots," John chuckled. 

Alex grumbled but he was already half-asleep. Thomas leaned up and kissed John's cheek chastely. "Night," he mumbled. 

John laughed. "It's ten in the morning," he pointed out. Thomas shrugged. "I'll wake y'all up in an hour and get you coffee." 

Thomas mumbled his thanks before passing out cold.


Welp, this could've been better. Oh well, it's gonna be fine. 

I'm Just Sayin' If You Really Loved Me You Would Share Him -A Jamilams FanficWhere stories live. Discover now