Striking Fear [EX and Hels]

934 48 16

(April 10, 2021)

Summary: Arguments between Hels and Evil X are common. So common that no other evil Hermit bats an eyelash.
But occasionally they get out of hand.
Word Count: 1239
Warnings: none
Category: hurt no comfort... so basically angst with a spice of action, references to a possible backstory

At like, two in the morning I had a few really dramatic phrases I wanted Evil X to say and I wRoTe it, so if this feels clunky... yes.

Hi this is Quill after writing the draft... bRo this dialogue is absolute cringe I am so sorry lmao-



Of all the things Hels could have said after the petty argument he and Evil X had, he chose the one wrong thing to say.

"You think you know fear?" Evil X ripped Hels' hand off his forearm. He wanted to scream, but it only came out as a hiss. He wanted to yell, but his vocal chords were already sore from earlier. He wanted to just completely lose it after being so irritated with the previous 'argument', but he couldn't, he wouldn't, not after what Hels said.

"But you know it's true," the knight continued, like the arrogant player he was, always poking the sleeping dragon with a newly forged sword just to get a reaction. "All you do is walk around the nylium fields, cooing at the piglins. I have-"

"No." EX stepped forwards, forcing the knight back and glaring down at him. "Don't even start. No you don't. The fear you experience is fear that lasts moments. That fear can be pushed down. That fear can be overcome.

"Real fear is pleading to something you can't even see to spare your life, to show you mercy because you don't want to die early."

He didn't know if the supposed gods of Minecraft truly existed, but he didn't question himself when he began to pray to the deities he'd heard only legends of. Maybe he even prayed to the void itself.

However, even if it was a coping method or a way to get his mind off the endless void and pain he endured, he couldn't care less.

He survived it in the end, anyways.

Another step from both evils pushed them closer to the wall. "Real fear is beginning to wonder if anyone cared in the first place. At least you and Hels are still able to meet, despite absolutely hating each other."

Xisuma seemed to tolerate him before the banishment. They had made up, had they not? Or maybe the Hermitcraft admin was just faking it the entire time, and waited for the most unpredictable time (read, happily prancing through an field of grass) to banish him from the server... and into the void... where no one and nothing existed and he would be left by himself and his own thoughts that were telling him to-

He survived that flaming minecart of thought, thankfully.

"Real fear is sending out hundreds upon hundreds of messages, waiting, wanting, praying to anyone that'd listen for somebody to realize you've gone because that is the only way anyone would know what happened to you."

A chunk in the lava lake relatively close exploded, sending bits of netherrack into the air and making the ground close to them sizzle with the lava goops. Said chunk flickered in and out of existence, sometimes revealing a dark void underneath the surface.

Evil X didn't notice.

He wasn't sure why he tried to connect his communicator to any service he could find. It was illogical, he knew. It was the void, for goodness sake.

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